This is a repo made to help teaching Object-oriented programming (OOP) @ Eötvös Loránd University-spring semester(2021/2022).
Classification of datatypes based on their structure. Collections and their processing. Concept of enumeration. Standard enumerators. Algorithmic patterns on enumerators. Automatic unit testing.
UML object and class diagram. Concept of dependency, association, aggregation, composition, inheritance, and their implementation in C++. Planning with UML class diagrams. Some famous design patterns (template method, bridge, visitor, strategy, singleton).
Reusability of the object-oriented code. Solution of problems based on a reusable template class library.
UML communication diagram, sequence diagram, state machine diagram. Implementation of parallel activities of objects. Handling of asynchronous and synchronous messages.
This subject will have:
- Quizzes on the lectures, grading: passed/not passed, and at least 9 quizzes on the lecture should be passed
- Short quizzes on the practices (plus-minus system), grading: passed/not passed, and half of the short quizzes should be passed
- 3 Assignments (documentation, code, and unit testing), grading: 0-5,all of them has to be defended each week dealy will reduce the grade by one,The third assignment is code-based assignment and its grade is reduced by every day
- 2 Paper-based tests (one can be retaken), grading: 0-5,both paper-based tests has to be passed (at least mark 2)
- 2 Computer-based tests (one can be retaken), grading: 0-5,both computer-based tests has to be passed (at least mark 2)
Course official website :
Classes: 2-hour lecture, 2-hour practice, 1-hour lab, and 1-hour consultation per week
Lecture and Practice Professor :
Teréz A. Várkonyi
Practice Professors:
Pinter Balazs
BORSI Zsolt Richard
Lab Instructors :
Bhatti Shuaa
Nazir Muhammad
Quleh Talal
Aldokimi Mohammed
Elalwany Aly