- Multi target, ping multiple hosts at once
- Line color changes with latency, red on timeout
- Multi OS, works on Linux, FreeBSD, macOS and Windows
- Full screen mode for devices like Raspberry PI
- Portable, self contained binaries
- Written in GoLang, uses SDL2
gpp [flags] host [host [...]]
-t - threshold for "bad ping" - line color will be more reddish
-fs - full screen mode (eg. for Raspberry PI)
-fg - border and text color in hex rgb
-bg - background color in hex rgb
Under Releases
Copyright 2019 Google LLC
- Go Ping Plot is Apache 2.0
- Uses SDL2 which is BSD-3-Clause
- Uses go-ping which is MIT
- Includes Google Noto Font which is SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.
- Uses rakyll/statik which is Apache 2.0