-*- mode: org -*-
ideone.el is a simple wrapper for IDEone’s SOAP API that works using emacs soap client. IDEone is an online code paste site which features sophisticated compiler sandbox’ing (i.e. you can run code and get results)! It features a wide variety of languages, and has become a standard for snippet sharing on places like stackoverflow and IRC #c++@Freenode.
ideone.el provides a way to work with IDEone directly from Emacs. It allows you to post code in any of the IDEone supported languages, compile, see results and easily share the code with others. It also allows you to easily wisk in IDEone snippets from others’ with a keystroke, then analyze, modify, and re-submit.
Due to current limitations of the soap client, the provided WSDL is slightly modified to work with it, and distributed together.
Brian Fransioli (assem <AT> terranpro.org)
- Submission Creation
- Submission Retrieval (and modification!)
- Recent Submissions
git clone git://github.com/terranpro/ideone.git ideone
(load-library “~/elisp/ideone/ideone.el”)
(setq ideone-user “IDEONE_USERID”) (setq ideone-pass “IDEONE_API_PASSWD”)
;; If you encounter problems try this: ;;(ideone-enable-debug)
Attempt to retrieve an IDEone url at point, else request the user input a valid IDEone address of either form:
For the current buffer (or active region inside current buffer), create a submission using the currently active, buffer settings. These include:
- language (if not set, will guess using major mode)
- compile T/F
- input (TODO)
Perform a completing read from the user on the selection of submission language. The user can choose from all of the supported IDEone languages.
C-c I g | Get Submission |
C-c I s | Create Submission |
All suggestions, comments, bugs, or complaints to (assem AT terranpro.org) or contact through github.