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Causal Distillation Trees

Causal Distillation Trees (CDT) is a novel machine learning method for estimating interpretable subgroups in causal inference. CDT allows researchers to fit any machine learning model of their choice to estimate the individual-level treatment effect, and then leverages a simple, second-stage tree-based model to “distill” the estimated treatment effect into meaningful subgroups. As a result, CDT inherits the improvements in predictive performance from black-box machine learning models while preserving the interpretability of a simple decision tree.

Briefly, CDT is a two-stage learner that first fits a teacher model (e.g., a black-box metalearner) to estimate individual-level treatment effects and secondly fits a student model (e.g., a decision tree) to predict the estimated individual-level treatment effects, in effect distilling the estimated individual-level treatment effects and producing interpretable subgroups. This two-stage learner is learned using the training data. Finally, using the estimated subgroups, the subgroup average treatment effects are honestly estimated with a held-out estimation set.

For more details, check out Huang, M., Tang, T. M., Kenney, A. M. “Distilling heterogeneous treatment effects: Stable subgroup estimation in causal inference.” (2025).


This repository contains:

  1. An R package causalDT to run causal distillation trees on your own data (see causalDT/)
  2. All code necessary to reproduce the analysis and figures in Huang et al. (2025) (see causalDT-manuscript/ and additional results here)

Installation of the R package

You can install the causalDT R package via:

# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("tiffanymtang/causalDT", subdir = "causalDT")

Example Usage

To illustrate an example usage of causalDT, we will use the AIDS Clinical Trials Group Study 175 (ACTG 175), a randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of monotherapy compared to combination therapy on HIV-1-infected patients. This data can be found in the speff2trial R package.

# install.packages("speff2trial")
#> Loading required package: leaps
#> Loading required package: survival
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

data <- speff2trial::ACTG175 |>
  dplyr::filter(arms %in% c(0, 2))

# pre-treatment covariates data
X <- data |> 
    age, wtkg, hemo, homo, drugs, karnof, race, 
    gender, symptom, preanti, strat, cd80
  ) |> 
# treatment indicator variable
Z <- data |>
# response variable
Y <- data |>

Given the pre-treatment covariates data $X$, the treatment variable $Z$, and the response variable $Y$, we can run CDT as follows:


causal_forest_cdt <- causalDT(
  X = X, Y = Y, Z = Z,
  teacher_model = "causal_forest"


Note that when using CDT, a teacher model must be chosen (the default is a causal forest). To help researchers select an appropriate teacher model, the Jaccard subgroup stability index (SSI) was introduced in Huang et al. (2025). Generally, a higher Jaccard SSI indicates a better teacher model. This teacher model selection procedure can be run as follows:

# selecting between causal forest versus rboost
rboost_cdt <- causalDT(
  X = as.matrix(X), Y = Y, Z = Z,
  teacher_model = rboost
plot_jaccard(`Causal Forest` = causal_forest_cdt, `Rboost` = rboost_cdt)


  title={Distilling heterogeneous treatment effects: Stable subgroup estimation in causal inference}, 
  author={Melody Huang and Tiffany M. Tang and Ana M. Kenney},