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PyQt5 QWidget. Subclass of entrywidget, with error checking and unit conversions using sympy


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PyQt5 Widgets centered around QLineEdit, with automatic error checking and color changes.

This package is an extension adding a sympy backend to support symbolic/mathematic evaluation and unit conversions.


AutoColorLineEdit  # QLineEdit with automatic colors
EntryWidget        # AutoColorLineEdit with DictComboBox[QComboBox] on right side
SympySymbolEdit    # Turns entry into a sympy.Symbol
SympyExprEdit      # Evaluates entry mathematically (or into a sympy.Symbol)
SympyUnitEdit      # Includes sympy.units support // conversion
SympyEntryWidget   # SympyUnitEdit with QComboBox on right side; evaluates and converts expression to selected units


git clone
pip3 install sympyentrywidget  # (use -e to edit/develop)
sudo python3 -m sympyentrywidget  # copy QtDesigner plugin file for system-wide use

doc strings:


A QLineEdit with error checking options and automatic color updates.
Useful signals:
    hasError([]],[object],[str])  # emitted when bool(error status) is True
    errorChanged([],[object],[str])  # emitted when error status changes
    errorCleared  # emitted when bool(error status) is changed to False
    editingFinished  # emitted when Enter/Return pressed or focus is changed out of QLineEdit
    textChanged(str)  # emitted when text changes at all

All arguments are optional and must be provided by keyword, except 'parent' which can be positional.
:param parent: Parent Qt Object (default None for individual widget)
:param errorCheck: callable, returns error status, called with widget as first argument
:param objectName: str, name of object for logging and within Qt
:param text: str, starting text
:param autoColors: dict of tuples of color strings; see help(setAutoColor) for formatting
:param colors: tuple of color strings/QColor/rgb tuples; see help(setManualColors) for formatting
:param readOnly: bool, whether the text box is editable
:param liveErrorChecking: bool, whether error checking occurs
            after every keystroke (=True) or only after text editing is finished (=False)


A DictComboBox after an AutoColorLineEdit.
DictComboBox (.comboBox):
    Set options with obj.setOptions(['opt1', 'opt2', 'op3'])
    Get options with obj.getOptions()
    Set selected with obj.setSelected('opt2')
    Get selected with obj.getSelected()
    Set/unset ReadOnly with obj.setOptionFixed(bool)

Additional signals (on top of AutoColorLineEdit signals):
    optionChanged([], [str])  # emits newly selected option when selection is changed
    optionIndexChanged([], [int])  # emits new selection index when changed
    dataChanged([], [object])  # emits data attached to new selection

All arguments are optional and must be provided by keyword, except 'parent' which can be positional.
kwargs listed here will be passed to constructors of AutoColorLineEdit/DictComboBox

Widget kwargs
:param parent: Parent Qt Object (default None for individual widget)
:param errorCheck: callable, returns error status, called with widget as first argument
:param objectName: str, name of object for logging and within Qt
:param readOnly: bool, whether the text box is editable

QLineEdit kwargs
:param text: str, starting text
:param autoColors: dict of tuples of color strings; see help(setAutoColor) for formatting
:param colors: tuple of colors; see help(setManualColors) for formatting
:param liveErrorChecking: bool, whether error checking occurs
            after every keystroke (=True) or only after text editing is finished (=False)

DictComboBox kwargs
:param options: [str, str, ...] or {str:data, str:data, ...}
:param optionFixed: bool, whether option is fixed or can be changed


AutoColorLineEdit subclass
Added signals:
    exprChanged([]],[object],[str])  # emitted when the expression is successfully changed

Added methods:
    getExpr: get the widget's current sympy.Expr (after processing by errorCheck)


AutoColorLineEdit subclass
Added signals:
    exprChanged([]],[object],[str])  # emitted when the expression is successfully changed
    valueChanged([]],[object],[str])  # same as exprChanged, but emits sympy's evalf(expr)
    displayValue(str)  # same as valueChanged, but emits str(evalf(4)) for reasonable display

Added methods:
    getExpr: get the widget's current sympy.Expr (after processing by errorCheck)
    getValue: uses sympy's evalf on the widget's expression, passing all arguments
    getSymbols: get a dict of the free symbols in widget's expression ; {symbol name:Symbol}


SympyExprEdit subclass
Added signals:
    exprChanged([]],[object],[str])  # emitted when the expression is successfully changed
    valueChanged([]],[object],[str])  # same as exprChanged, but emits sympy's evalf(expr)
    displayValue(str)  # same as valueChanged, but emits str(evalf(4)) for reasonable display

Added methods:
    getExpr: get the widget's current sympy.Expr (after processing by errorCheck)
    getValue: uses sympy's evalf on the widget's expression, passing all arguments
    getSymbols: get a dict of the free symbols in widget's expression ; {symbol name:Symbol}
    getDimension: get units.Dimension of widget's expression
    getMagnitude: get scale\\magnitude\\value of widget's expression without units
    convertTo: convert widget's expression to different units
    getUnits: get units of widget's expression


EntryWidget subclass using SympyUnitEdit in place of AutoColorLineEdit.

Added signals:
    exprChanged([]],[object],[str])  # emitted when SympyUnitEdit expression is successfully changed
    valueChanged([]],[object],[str])  # same as exprChanged, but uses sympy's evalf on expression first
    displayValue(str)  # same as valueChanged, but emits str(evalf(4)) for reasonable display

Added methods:
    getExpr: get SympyUnitEdit's current sympy.Expr
    getValue: uses sympy's evalf on the widget's expression, passing all arguments
    getSymbols: get a dict of the free symbols in widget's expression ; {symbol name:Symbol}
    convertTo: convert widget's expression to different units
    getUnits: get units selected in widget's comboBox
    setUnits: change widget's comboBox units (raise ValueError if `unit` not an option)

Module Attributes

UnitMisMatchException  # Exception raised when conversions are not possible
ExpressionError  # Exception raised when an expression is unsafe or contains an error
CommonUnits  # collection of dicts of commonly used units
units  # sympy.units
unitSubs  # dict of sympy.units.Unit to use in sympy.subs(expr, unitSubs) or sympy.evalf(expr, subs=unitSubs)

Module Functions

parseExpr  # Parse a string, checking for errors
parseExprUnits  # Parse a string with units possibly included
getDimension  # Get the units.Dimension expression of `expr`
convertTo  # Wraps units.convert_to for extra functionality
unitsAreConsistent  # Check if an expression's units are compatible/convertible

Special methods in all classes

errorCheck  # checks expression for errors (specific errors dependent on class)
getExpr  # get sympy.Expr version of widget.text() after error handling
getSymbols  # get dict() of { sympy.Symbol, ... }


PyQt5 QWidget. Subclass of entrywidget, with error checking and unit conversions using sympy







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