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Cloud Lab is a Docker based online lab center, it integrates many popular computer science courses and provides a Docker based experiment environment as-is.
Cloud Lab is open source with no warranty – use at your own risk.
If really a Linux newbie or simply don't want to spend time on boring installation, buy the instant Linux Lab Disk.
Cload Lab is docker based, please make sure docker environment is installed with Docker CE, Docker CE support Mac, Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, CentOS, Azure and AWS, we have tested Cloud Lab with Docker CE in Ubuntu and Mac.
The old install method for Windows and Mac OSX is Docker Toolbox.
In order to run docker without password, please make sure your user is added in the docker group:
$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
In order to speedup docker images downloading, please configure a local docker mirror in /etc/default/docker
, for example:
$ grep registry-mirror /etc/default/docker
DOCKER_OPTS="$DOCKER_OPTS --registry-mirror="
$ service docker restart
In order to avoid network ip address conflict, please try following changes and restart docker:
$ grep bip /etc/default/docker
$ service docker restart
If the above changes not work, try something as following:
$ grep dockerd /lib/systemd/system/docker.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// --bip= --registry-mirror=
$ service docker restart
If installed via Docker Toolbox, to access the Lab page, we must get and use the eth1
ip address, just replace 'localhost' with this ip in the Lab page url:
$ ifconfig eth1 | grep 'inet addr' | tr -s ' ' | tr ':' ' ' | cut -d' ' -f4
If the Linux system is installed on Virtualbox by ourselves, to access the Lab page outside, we must add the eth1 network device at first via setting: 'Network -> Adapter2 -> Host-only Adapter'.
If installed via Docker Toolbox, please enter into the /mnt/sda1
directory of the default
system on Virtualbox, otherwise, after poweroff, the data will be lost for the default /root
directory is only mounted in DRAM.
$ cd /mnt/sda1
For Linux or Mac OSX, please simply choose one directory in ~/Downloads
or ~/Documents
$ cd ~/Documents
$ git clone
$ tools/docker/choose
Current Lab is: linux-lab
Available Labs:
1 cs630-qemu-lab
2 linux-0.11-lab
3 linux-lab
4 markdown-lab
Choose the lab number: 3
3 linux-lab
Download the lab...
$ tools/docker/run
$ tools/docker/rm
$ tools/docker/stop
$ tools/docker/start
If get syntax error under /etc/sudoers*
, please use pkexec visudo
to fix up it.
$ sudo -s
$ echo "$SUDO_USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/$SUDO_USER