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My-st-config & dwm & dmenu & tmux & some scripts of dmenu

st terminal config steps in archlinux. (And dwm & dmenu's config)
I also put my tmux's config and .zshrc here.


I added a volume notifications with dunst in dwm.


If you can't see, here is the example video on YouTube.

Here is the system info script.

Here is the Do-not-disturb script.

With vertical dmenu.

Here is the tmux.


It is my first time to install st. So the steps may be a little messy.
PLUS, I don't know HOW to install stfrom AUR. If you want to install st from AUR, check st-Archwiki.
I also put my dwm and dmenu's configs here. Have a look !
Also some dmenu's scripts here. Have a look !
Maybe you can also do more search if you are interested in this.



st use config.def.h to set.
Remember to re-compile everytime when you edit config.def.h.
Run rm -rf config.h && sudo make clean install.


First, git clone (Assuming you do this in ~.)
Then, edit

cd st

edit X11INC = /usr/X11R6/includeX11INC = /usr/include/X11
edit X11LIB = /usr/X11R6/libX11LIB = /usr/lib/X11

Then run sudo make clean install. After compiling, run st in your former terminal.


By editing config.def.h you can config st.
Run rm -rf config.h && sudo make clean install whenever you edit config.def.h or after installing patch for st.


Each patch may need some Dependencies to make them work. Check that at st - simple terminal patches.

Patches I use :

Remember to add this in your config.def.h.

For opacity:(value you can change based on your preference.)

/* bg opacity */
 float alpha = 0.5;

For scroll:


 static MouseShortcut mshortcuts[] = {
	 /* mask                 button   function        argument       release */
	 { XK_ANY_MOD,           Button4, kscrollup,      {.i = 1},            0,       -1 },
	 { XK_ANY_MOD,           Button5, kscrolldown,    {.i = 1},            0,       -1 },


 static Shortcut shortcuts[] = {
	/* mask                 keysym          function        argument */
	{ XK_ANY_MOD,           XK_Break,       sendbreak,      {.i =  0} },
        { TERMMOD,              XK_Prior,       zoom,           {.f = +1} },
        { TERMMOD,              XK_Next,        zoom,           {.f = -1} },
        { TERMMOD,              XK_Home,        zoomreset,      {.f =  0} },

	{ TERMMOD,              XK_U,           kscrollup,      {.i = +5} },
	{ TERMMOD,              XK_D,           kscrolldown,    {.i = +5} },


Steps for patch

 cd st
 patch < patch/st-alpha-20220206-0.8.5.diff
 patch < patch/st-scrollback-mouse-0.8.2.diff
 patch < patch/st-scrollback-0.8.5.diff
 patch < patch/st-w3m-0.8.3.diff

After patching, run rm -rf config.h && sudo make clean install.
