CQRS/ES toolkit for Go.
CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. It's a pattern that I first heard described by Greg Young. At its heart is the notion that you can use a different model to update information than the model you use to read information.
The mainstream approach people use for interacting with an information system is to treat it as a CRUD datastore. By this I mean that we have mental model of some record structure where we can create new records, read records, update existing records, and delete records when we're done with them. In the simplest case, our interactions are all about storing and retrieving these records.
Event Sourcing ensure that every change to the state of an application is captured in an event object, and that these event objects are themselves stored in the sequence they were applied for the same lifetime as the application state itself.
bank account shows a full example with deposits
and withdrawls
There are 3 basic units of work event
, command
and aggregate
A command describe an action that should be performed, it's always named in the imperative tense such as PerformDeposit
Let’s start with some code:
import "github.com/mishudark/eventhus"
//PerformDeposit to an account
type PerformDeposit struct {
Amount int
At the beginning we create the PerformDeposit
command, it contains an anonymous struct field of type eventhus.BaseCommand
. This means PerformDeposit
automatically acquires all the methods of eventhus.BaseCommand
Also you can define custom fields, in this case Amount
contains quantity to being depositen in an account.
An event is the notification that some happend in the past, you can view an event as the representation of reaction of a command after being executed. All events should be represented as verbs in the past tense such as CustomerRelocated
, CargoShipped
or InventoryLossageRecorded
//DepositPerformed event
type DepositPerformed struct {
Amount int
We create the DepositPerformed
event, it's a pure go struct, and it's the past equivalent to the previous command PerformDeposit
The aggregate is a logical boundary for things that can change in a business transaction of a given context. In the eventhus context, it simple process the commands and produce events.
Show me the code!
import "github.com/mishudark/eventhus"
//Account of bank
type Account struct {
Owner string
Balance int
We create the Account
aggregate, it contains an anonymous struct field of type eventhus.BaseAggregate
. This means Account
automatically acquires all the methods of eventhus.BaseAggregate
Additionally Account
has the fields Balance
and Owner
that represents the basic info of this context
Now that we have our aggregate
, we need to process the PerformDeposit
command that we created earlier
//HandleCommand create events and validate based on such command
func (a *Account) HandleCommand(command eventhus.Command) error {
event := eventhus.Event{
AggregateID: a.ID,
AggregateType: "Account",
switch c := command.(type) {
case CreateAccount:
event.AggregateID = c.AggregateID
event.Data = &AccountCreated{c.Owner}
case PerformDeposit:
event.Data = &DepositPerformed{
a.BaseAggregate.ApplyChangeHelper(a, event, true)
return nil
First, we create an event
with the basic info AggregateID
as an identifier and AggregateType
with the same name as our aggregate
. Next, we use a switch to determine the type of the command
and produce and event
as a consecuence.
Finally, the event should be applied to our aggregate, we use the helper BaseAggregate.ApplyChangeHelper
with the params aggregate
, event
and the last argument set to true
that means, it should be stored and published via event store
and event publisher
Note: eventhus.BaseAggregate
has some helper methods to make our life easier, we use HandleCommand
to process a command
and produce the respective event
The last step in the aggregate journey is apply the events
to our aggregate
//ApplyChange to account
func (a *Account) ApplyChange(event eventhus.Event) {
switch e := event.Data.(type) {
case *AccountCreated:
a.Owner = e.Owner
a.ID = event.AggregateID
case *DepositPerformed:
a.Balance += e.Amount
Also we use a switch-case format to determine the type of the event
(note that events are pointers), and apply the respective changes
Note: The aggregate is never save in it's current state, instead is stored as a series of events
that can recreate the aggregate in it's last state.
Save events, publish it and recreate an aggregate from event store
is made by Eventhus out of the box
needs to be configured to manage events, commands and to knows where to store and publish events
Currently it has support for MongoDB
, Rethinkdb
is in the scope to be add
import "github.com/mishudark/eventhus/config"
config.Mongo("localhost", 27017, "bank") // event store
we create an eventstore with config.Mongo
, it accepts host
, port
and table
as arguments
and Nats.io
are supported
import "github.com/mishudark/eventhus/config"
config.Nats("nats://ruser:T0pS3cr3t@localhost:4222", false) // event bus
we create an eventbus with config.Nats
, it accepts url data config
and useSSL
as arguments
Now that we have all the pieces, we can register our events
, commands
and aggregates
, see all the code in the next example
import (
func getConfig() (eventhus.CommandBus, error) {
// register events
reg := eventhus.NewEventRegister()
// wire all parts together
return config.NewClient(
config.Mongo("localhost", 27017, "bank"), // event store
config.Nats("nats://ruser:T0pS3cr3t@localhost:4222", false), // event bus
config.AsyncCommandBus(30), // command bus
&bank.Account{}, // aggregate
basic.NewCommandHandler, // command handler
"bank", // event store bucket
"account", // event store subset
bank.CreateAccount{}, // command
bank.PerformDeposit{}, // command
bank.PerformWithdrawal{}, // command
Then now you are ready to process commands
uuid, _ := utils.UUID()
//1) Create an account
var account bank.CreateAccount
account.AggregateID = uuid
account.Owner = "mishudark"
First we generate a new UUID
this is because is a new account and we need a unique identifier, after we created the basic structure of our CreateAccount
command, then we only need to send it using the commandbus
created in our config
You should listen your eventbus
, the format of the event allways is the same, only data
key change in function of your event struct
"aggregate_id": "0000XSNJG0N0ZVS3YXM4D7ZZ9Z",
"aggregate_type": "Account",
"version": 1,
"type": "AccountCreated",
"data": {
"owner": "mishudark"