Zooey is a Discord chat bot that adds useful commands for Granblue Fantasy.
Below is a selection of commands that the bot supports, along with examples on how to use them.
Returns the current time in JST (Japan Standard Time)
Returns the time remaining until the next striketime.
This will show a list of all currenly running, recently finished and upcoming events for Granblue Fantasy. The bot will calculate the time remaining and display it as well.
Shows the 3 most recent news items posted on the official GBF News page. This is only available in Japanese, as the news page is never translated to English.
This will return a random Zooey fanart image from danbooru. Only SFW images are included in the results, although the definition of SFW might vary based on personal opinion.
This will return a random fanart image from danbooru based on the tag supplied. Only SFW images are included in the results, although the definition of SFW might vary based on personal opinion.
For a list of tags refer to danbooru
!booru clarisse_(granblue_fantasy)
!danbooru catalina_(granblue_fantasy) _(granblue_fantasy)
This will convert a given amoun from one currency to another. Data is based on Google's currency conversion and might not always exactly match the currency conversion rate on mobage or Google Play.
!cc JPY USD 3080