Django Crud Github, Django Crud, Django Crud Application, Django ajax CRUD,Django Boilerplate application, Django Register, Django Login,Django fileupload, CRUD, Bootstrap, AJAX, sample App
Feb 21, 2025 - CSS
Ajax stands for asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is collection of several web technologies including HTML, CSS, JSON, XML, and JavaScript. It is used for creating dynamic web pages in which small parts of web page change without reloading the page. Additionally, Ajax is fundamental for front-end developers in creating Single Page Applications (SPAs) where content updates seamlessly.
Django Crud Github, Django Crud, Django Crud Application, Django ajax CRUD,Django Boilerplate application, Django Register, Django Login,Django fileupload, CRUD, Bootstrap, AJAX, sample App
Django 5 By Example (5th Edition) published by Packt
🌱 Automated Hydroponics (a method of growing plants without soil) using Arduino Mega.
Free website template built for musicians / artists to promote their music and connect to their audience.
Blogger is a basic blogging application which includes user to create an account and post their views.
此项目是橘子网上商城的功能,按照我自己的想法实现的一个自营模式的商城应用。 目前实现了前台的功能,后台的功能,主要有登录,注册,商品展示,购物车等模块。后台面有添加商品,删除商品,商品上下架,订单管理,管理员管理,实现了E支付功能和百度地图功能.为了便于此项目日后的完善和扩展, 我采用了前后端分离的架构设计。前端主要使用javaScript,jquery,AjAX,JSP构建的单页web应用, 通过使用指令,服务,模板,控制器完成前端的MVC分层,各个模板页面的效果实现则使用了基本的CSS3等技术, 结合JS完成页面的基本交互效果。由于有实现数据库和后台模块等功能,通过AJax请求完成整个前台功能的数据交互, 后期再考虑实现一个后台管理系统及数据库系统,还有前端页面资源的异步加载及优化。
A full functional note taking web application with alluring user interface. Built using Django + Jquery
This full-stack website project for ShipCruiseTour aims to showcase their luxurious sea cruise services and destinations, while allowing users to easily search, book, and explore various options for their perfect vacation. The site will be designed to increase the company's market visibility and reputation.
一个基于springboot的简单校园商城系统 shopping-mall 涵盖JavaEE基本知识点
Online Inventory Management Software using python (flask) and ajax
Hospital Management System In PHP
ASP.NET Core MVC Bootstrap 4 Ajax
CBT Software - This is a computer based test system for any type of institutions(Majorly Primary and Secondary schools) to take Examination. This is the newly introduced system rather than using a manual system which is paper pencil test.