🎉 A magical vue admin https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
Oct 24, 2024 - Vue
Internationalization (often abbreviated to i18n — this is a numeronym, where the “18” stands for the 18 letters between the first letter “i” and the last letter “n”) is designing and developing in a way that can be adapted for users from any culture, region, or language.
🎉 A magical vue admin https://panjiachen.github.io/vue-element-admin
🔥 A highly scalable, offline-first foundation with the best developer experience and a focus on performance and best practices.
The monorepo home to all of the FormatJS related libraries, most notably react-intl.
Internationalization for react done right. Using the i18next i18n ecosystem.
i18next: learn once - translate everywhere
List of 127 languages for Laravel Framework, Laravel Jetstream, Laravel Fortify, Laravel Breeze, Laravel Cashier, Laravel Nova, Laravel Spark and Laravel UI.
🌐 Internationalization plugin for Vue.js
2^x Image Super-Resolution
🕗 ⌛ timeago.js is a tiny(2.0 kb) library used to format date with `*** time ago` statement.
Web based localization tool with tight version control integration.
🌍 📖 A readable, automated, and optimized (3 kb) internationalization for JavaScript
❄️ A React-Native Android iOS Starter App/ BoilerPlate / Example with Redux, RN Router, & Jest with the Snowflake Hapi Server running locally or on RedHat OpenShift for the backend, or a Parse Server running locally or remotely on Heroku
The internationalization (i18n) library for Angular
DEPRECATED Translating your AngularJS 1.x apps
A JavaScript Internationalization Framework