The goal of this project is to create a flexible installer for Tortoise purposes. The current implementation of the installer is done in Shell script and has several features to speed up the installation process.
The process is divided into two steps: configuration and installation.
Dividing the process into separate steps is good, in the sense that you can, if you wish, extract the configurator from the installer structure. All that is needed is to supply its dependencies, which so far only exist internally, such as the <> file, and then the installation configuration can be done even before obtaining an ISO of the system. This ready-made file can then be inserted into the ISO by modifying the profile, generating a new ISO by the user or simply using a USB stick.
To start the configuration, simply type with sudo permissions:
If you already have a file ready, simply use the flag
configure -f ./<path/to/configuration/file>
If you do not provide a configuration file, the installer will
ask questions about the aspects of the desired system and will
generate the install.conf
file in the HOME directory
After that, simply run the installer and all the work will be done.
Also with sudo permissions, run:
After that, if no errors are displayed, you will be asked if you want to restart and the installation will be complete.
The installer implements the FHS, so all files related to the
installer must be in the respective locations specified by the
standard. To do this easily, there is already a section in the
that automates this task.
First, copy the installer into the directory where your profile
is located, following the same directory pattern used in
Now run:
make prepare
WARNING: always check if everything was generated correctly, no one deserves to have to generate an ISO over and over again (personal experience).