The purpose of this project is to scan ipsec servers reliably. Bike-Scan finds all transformations of a server if it is configured with the IkeV1 protocol. In the case of a configuration with the IkeV2 protocol, the first transformation in the configured list is found but only if the Diffie-Hellman group of the Key Exchange Payload is 1024-Bit modp. Bike-Scan was developed as part of a bachelor thesis in collaboration with Trufflepig IT-Forensics GmbH.
- Download and install Rust (using rustup is recommended) on
- Download and install cargo via package manager (e.g. sudo apt install cargo)
- Download git via package manager (e.g. sudo apt install git)
- git clone this repository in desired location
git clone
- cd into cloned bike-scan folder
- install using cargo
cargo install --path .
- Build a main function to use the scan method
- If you want to run the version for IkeV1 use function scan. If you want to run the version for IkeV2 use function scan_v2
- Insert the ip adress and port of the server you want to scan
- Run your main function