This is a Geant4 model of the Fermilab MTest proton beam. The beam structure is described in mtestgeant4/src/
An example Geant4 project is included for testing.
GEANT4 (tested with V9.6.4)
ROOT (tested with V6)
cmake (V3.1 or higher)
C++11 supporting compiler
Clone the git repository
Setup a standard GEANT4 and ROOT environemnt (ensure G4INSTALL and ROOTSYS variables are set)
Create a build directory
cd to build directory
cmake path/to/mtestgeant4
This will build the executable 'example' in the build directory.
cd path/to/build/dir
./example example.mac
An output ROOT file (MTestProtonSource.root) contains some histograms than be used to verify the operation.