Automated sampling of webcam imaging via Excel VBA.
- Automated Webcam Sampler.xlsm Macro-enabled Excel workbook.
Automated sampling of webcam imaging was investigated as a means of meteor data collection. A sampling system was built with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), the scripting language built into Microsoft's Office suite. The file may be used as a standalone sampler, but knowledge of VBA macro execution in Excel is assumed.
N.B. Windows may block the document's macros. To resolve this, right click on the file to open Document Properties. Go to the General tab, Security section and select the Unblock check box.
Reference: Stenborg, TN 2019, "Meteor Candidate Observations from Automated Weather Camera Sampling in VBA", in U Pajer, J Rendtel, M Gyssens and C Verbeeck (eds), Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference, Bollmannsruh, Germany, p. 189.