React Todo application built with ReactJS and Hooks, using TailwindCSS for styling. The app allows users to create, update, delete, and add todo tasks. The user interface is responsive and user-friendly.
- CRUD application implements asynchronous task management.
- Efficiently fetch data from remote server using APIs.
- Tasks saved to both client and local server simultaneously.
To run this project locally, clone the repository and navigate to the project directory in your terminal. Then run the following commands:
- Clone this repository:- git clone
cd todo-app
npm i
npm start
This will install all the necessary dependencies, start the JSON server and start the development server on http://localhost:3000.
To create a new todo, enter a task in the input field and press the "Add" button. To mark a task as completed, click on the checkbox next to the task. To edit a task, click on the edit button next to the task, make your changes, and press "Save". To delete a task, click on the delete button next to the task.
The user interface is responsive and user-friendly, and the app is designed to be easy to use and navigate.
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