Tvix is a new implementation of the Nix language and package manager. See the announcement post for information about the background of this project.
Tvix is developed by TVL in our monorepo, the depot
, at
//tvix. Code reviews take place on Gerrit, bugs are
filed in our issue tracker.
For more information about Tvix, feel free to reach out. We are interested in people who would like to help us review designs, brainstorm and describe requirements that we may not yet have considered.
Development discussion is focused around two IRC channels, which are also available via XMPP and via Matrix.
- TVL runs the
channel on hackint. Tvix-related discussion in this channel is focused on eval, and on (almost) 1:1 replacements of C++ Nix with Rust components.
There is also a low-traffic mailing list with occasional design discussions.
Contributions to Tvix follow the TVL review flow and contribution guidelines.
WARNING: Tvix is not ready for use in production. None of our current APIs should be considered stable in any way.
WARNING: Any other instances of this project or repository are
-mirrors. We do not accept code contributions or issues outside of
the methods outlined above.
This folder contains the following components:
- tooling to boot MicroVMs off oftvix-[ca]store
- a generic (Nix-unaware) builder protocol and various implementations//tvix/castore
- subtree storage/transfer in a content-addressed fashion//tvix/cli
- preliminary REPL & CLI implementation for Tvix//tvix/docs
- standalone documentation//tvix/eval
- an implementation of the Nix programming language//tvix/glue
- combines tvix-eval with tvix-[ca]store and tvix-build, implementation of build- and import-related builtins//tvix/nar-bridge
- a HTTP webserver providing a Nix HTTP Binary Cache interface in front of a tvix-store//tvix/nix-compat
- a Rust library for compatibility with C++ Nix, features like encodings and hashing schemes and formats//tvix/nix-daemon
- a Nix-compatible store daemon backed by Tvix//tvix/serde
- a Rust library for using the Nix language for app configuration//tvix/store
- a "filesystem" linking Nix store paths and metadata with the content-addressed layer//tvix/tracing
- unified library to configure logging, tracing, instrumentation and progress concerns
Some additional folders with auxiliary things exist and can be explored at your leisure.
The CLI can also be built with standard Rust tooling (i.e. cargo build
as long as you are in a shell with the right dependencies.
- If you cloned the full monorepo, it can be provided by
mg shell //tvix:shell
. - If you cloned the
workspace only (git clone
provides it.
If you're in the TVL monorepo, you can also run mg build //tvix/cli
(or mg build
from inside that folder) for a more incremental build.
Please follow the depot-wide instructions on how to get mg
and use the depot
Important note: We only use and test Nix builds of our software against Nix 2.3. There are a variety of bugs and subtle problems in newer Nix versions which we do not have the bandwidth to address, builds in newer Nix versions may or may not work.
Some parts of Tvix are written in Rust. To simplify the dependency
management on the Nix side of these builds, we use crate2nix
in a
single Rust workspace in //tvix
to maintain the Nix build
When making changes to Cargo dependency configuration in any of the
Rust projects under //tvix
, be sure to run
mg run //tools:crate2nix-generate
in //tvix
itself and commit the changes
to the generated Cargo.nix
file. This only applies to the full TVL checkout.
When adding/removing a Cargo feature for a crate, you will want to add it to the
features power set that gets tested in CI. For each crate there's a default.nix with a
invocation, modify the list to include/remove the feature.
Note that you don't want to add "collection" features, such as fs
for tvix-[ca]store or default
All code implemented for Tvix is licensed under the GPL-3.0, with the exception of the protocol buffer definitions used for communication between services which are available under a more permissive license (MIT).
The idea behind this structure is that any direct usage of our code (e.g. linking to it, embedding the evaluator, etc.) will fall under the terms of the GPL3, but users are free to implement their own components speaking these protocols under the terms of the MIT license.