Warning: this package is a work-in-progress. The code is kind of working, but documentation and examples are lacking. Also this project was created specifically for SpinED program, so it's going to be "battle-tested" rather that a proof-of-concept.
High-level interface to HDF5 for Haskell. The idea is to provide a limited functionality, but in a user-friendly way. It relies extensively on GADTs to keep the interface polymorphic, but type-safe.
This package is very much a work-in-progress and is not (yet, hopefully)
available on Hackage. Currently, the easiest way to install it is to use cabal.project
and specify that you want to install hdf5-hs
from Git:
type: git
location: https://github.com/twesterhout/hdf5-hs.git
Currently, Linux and OS X operating systems are supported. (I don't have experience or access to a Windows system, but a PR would be very welcome!)
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Data.HDF5 (Dataset, Group, IOMode (..))
import qualified Data.HDF5 as H5
import Data.Text (Text)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- Create a file
H5.withFile "example00.h5" WriteMode $ \file -> do
-- Create a group
H5.makeGroup file "myGroup"
-- Do something with the group
-- (matchM function "proves" to GHC that the object we've just opened is indeed a group)
H5.byName file "myGroup" . H5.matchM @Group $ \group -> do
-- Create a dataset
H5.writeDataset group "myDataset" [(1 :: Int) .. 25]
-- Add a description
H5.byName group "myDataset" . H5.matchM @Dataset $ \dataset ->
H5.writeAttribute dataset "myAttribute" ("Contains very important data ๐" :: Text)
There is hs-hdf5
. It covers more
functionality of HDF5 than this package, but the API is lower-level.