- moderation
- avatar
- github information
- leveling
- Fun games like tictaktoe
- wikipedia
- google search
- anime
- tag system
- welcoming system
- trolling
First of all fill all the details in config/botconfig.json
"token" : "Your_BOT_token_goes_here",
"prefix" : "Enter anything here bcz bot only run slash command",
"database_url" : "POSTGRES database URL get it from HEROKU",
"welcomeWebhookUrl" : "Welcoming welcomeWebhookUrl"
Then fill the details in config/guilds.json
"modRole":"Role ID of MOD here of your server",
"mutedRole":"Muted Role ID here"
Then fill details in config/webhooks.json
just make different channels for logging and make one webhook in each channel and then copy and paste the webhook URL here
"invite": "WEBHOOK_URL",
"avatar": "WEBHOOK_URL",
"welcoming": "WEBHOOK_URL",
"modmail": "WEBHOOK_URL"
Then Run main.py
make sure to install the following packages also using pip install <package_name>
e.g. - pip install py-cord==2.0.0b5
The support for repl.it is also there for the BOT. Just go on repl and while creating the repl do import from github
and paste this link there
make sure to fill up the BOT configs in config/botconfig.json
and config/guilds.json
A saperate branch for has been made for heroku click here to go there. Just download the code and push it in heroku all the dependencies are already setup.
Config Vars
token=Discord Bot token
database_url=PostGres Database url
welcomeWebhookUrl=Webhook URL for Welcoming
inviteLogWebhookUrl=Webhook URL for invite logging
pfplogWebhookUrl=Webhook URL for Avatar logging
prefix=Put any value you want
join our discord server and ping me in chat, i will be happy to help you out :D
- Follow my github profile
- Join our discord Server
- Star this Repository