This is a simple image manipulation project built on top of ImageMagick. The project specifically uses MagickWand API. The MagickWand API is provided by ImageMagick as it's C language binding. The project can be compiled locally on the user's machine by first compiling ImageMagick from source and then compiling the header files.
This is the first version(1.0.0) of the project and demostrates simple features like converting the image from one extension to other, cropping it and rotating the image to multiples of 90 degree. The future version of this project will feature a gui to let the user interact more easily.
sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib
$ git clone ImageMagick-7.1
$ cd ImageMagick-7.1.1
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ cc -o [output_file_name] img_manipulation.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs MagickWand`
The script allows user to change extesion, rotate and crop the image. The cmdline arguments for the same are
-c, -convert : Convert image to desired extension
-r, -rotate : Rotate the image to desired degrees(multiple of 90)
-cr, -crop : Crop the image to desired height and width using x and y offset
$./wand img.jpg -c -rotate
Everytime the program runs the first argument passed must be the location of the image file the user wants to manipulate.