- price widget for bitcoin, litecoin, primecoin, peercoin, dogecoin
- bitcoin price in many fiat currencies
- ability to add your crypto currency
- Demo at http://cryptotools.ulkas.eu
- requires jquery
//add this at the end of your html before </body>
<script src="js/cryptotools.js"></script>
<script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ulkas/CryptoTools/master/js/cryptotools.js"></script>
basic bitcoin price:
<div class="ctprice"></div>
litecoin price:
<div class="ctprice" data-for="ltc"></div>
litecoin price in EUR:
<div class="ctprice" data-for="ltc" data-currency="eur"></div>
primecoin price in PPC:
<div class="ctprice" data-for="xpm" data-currency="ppc"></div>
bitcoin price in Costa Rica Colon:
<div class="ctprice" data-for="btc" data-currency="crc"></div>
- asynchronous ajax call to the exchange api
- add another design class - fancy - with odometer.js animation
- refactor the code
- refactor the code to erase the jquery parts and leave pure javascript
- design slightly taken from http://btcquote.com