This package provides the classes and functions to implement the OpenMath standard v2.0.
- Implementation of all OpenMath objects and Content Dictionariess.
- An idiomatic interface for common operations.
- Support for XML and JSON encodings.
- Written in pure python.
- Dependency free.
- Lightweight.
This list is empty for now.
- Read the CONTRIBUTING file if you want to contribute to the code.
- Open a new issue
to make a request or report a bug.
- Add more tests, examples, use cases, documentation, etc for the library.
- And of course, ⭐ star this repository and give it some visibility
The main module provides the implementation of the standard itself: the classes for OpenMath objects and the de/serializing functions.
Implements a class for Content Dictionaries and operations to work with them easily on an idiomatic way.
This package is licensed under the MIT License.