Releases: us-bea/bea.R
Releases · us-bea/bea.R
Update to handle modified response data structure in beaGet, general improved error handling, update search function to reflect latest changes in dataset metadata, and temporarily remove visualization function.
Full Changelog: v1.0.6...v1.1.0
bea.R v1.0.6 Change API DNS
- Change from to
- Add .onLoad message about change from TableID => TableName
- Update GitHub URL in DESCRIPTION
bea.R v1.0.5 TableName replaces TableID in beaGet() for NIPA and NIUnderlyingDetail, but NOT FixedAsset, datasets
- Patched beaUpdateMetadata.R, beaSearch.R to reflect changes in API GET request for national datasets except FixedAssets
- Minor patch for capitalization issue
bea.R v1.0.4
Update to fix change in metadata structure for search function.
bea.R v1.0.2 search patch
Fixes to beaSearch function:
- Drop obsolete RegionalData set.
- Handle regional and national separately.
⋅⋅⋅Warning if account area search index missing.⋅⋅
⋅⋅⋅Return results from one or the other even if both not found.⋅⋅
bea.R v1.0.1
Bug fix to bea2Tab and beaUpdateMetadata:
- bea2Tab now reshapes tables based on "Year" as well as "TimePeriod" (prioritizes "TimePeriod" if both are present), fixing issue with reshaping several industry and international datasets
- Silence metadata file update
bea.R v1.0.0 published
First CRAN-published version of the library
beaR V1.0.0 Beta
First stable version following initial rounds of beta testing