This repository contains all firmware for the University of Waterloo's Midnight Sun Solar Rayce Car team's 14th car.
Assuming you have our Vagrant box installed:
# Clone the repo
git clone firmware_xiv
cd firmware_xiv
# Basic commands to verify that building and testing work
make build_all PLATFORM=x86
make build_all PLATFORM=stm32f0xx
make test_all PLATFORM=x86
# Commands are of the format:
# make cmd VAR=val ...
# Flashes the specified project (defaults to stm32f0xx)
# Append PROBE=stlink-v2 for discovery boards
make program PROJECT=test_project
# Run all tests within the library or project
# Append TEST=module for a specific test
make test LIBRARY=ms-common
# Run a project on x86
make run PROJECT=test_project
# Flashes the project/test and attaches an instance of GDB
make gdb TEST=can LIBRARY=ms-common
# Creates a new project or library
make new PROJECT=new_project_name
# Nukes the build directory - use when things aren't working
make clean
# Linting and formatting - used to help enforce our coding style
make format
make lint
make pylint
# Define a symbol from the command line - for example, setting the log level
# Intall python requirements for every project
make install_requirements
# Note that for python make commands, you will likely need to be in virtualenv. After running install_requirements, run
source .venv/bin/activate
# Run all python tests within the scripts directory of a project
# Append TEST=module to run a specific test
make pytest PROJECT=test_project
# Run every python test in the scripts directory for all projects
make pytest_all
# Install package requirements for every project
make install_requirements
# Run codegen
make codegen
# Generate dbc file
make codegen_dbc
# Generate code coverage reports. Note: ALL projects must have been compiled with coverage symbols
# Only works for x86 with GCC currently.
# After running clean, build_all COVERAGE=true, and test_all, run
make codecov
# and open codecov/index.html to view the report.
We use GNU Make for our build system. See Managing Projects with GNU Make, 3.Xth Edition for a fantastic supplement to the manual.
Extensive documentation of our supported commands can be found in our Makefile. Note that commands such as test
and gdb
will automatically build the project if any changes have been made. You do not need to explicitly build projects except for continuous integration.
If you have Clang/LLVM/Bear installed and want to debug on x86 more easily/more in depth.
To create a compile commands database, run
make clean
bear make build_all PLATFORM=x86
Then to perform static analysis, run
clang-tidy $PATH_TO_C_FILE -checks=*
To build in debug with memory and address sanitation and extended stack traces on faults, run
make clean
make build_all PLATFORM=x86 COMPILER=clang COPTIONS=asan
If you run any of the resulting binaries and a memory error of any kind occurs there will be detailed information on the cause.
To build in debug with thread sanitation run
make clean
make build_all PLATFORM=x86 COMPILER=clang COPTIONS=tsan
If you run any of the resulting binaries and there is any multithreaded code this will find any race conditions.
We use GitHub Actions to run our continuous integration tests, which consists of linting project code, and compiling and running unit tests against each supported platform. The continuous integration workflow will also warn you if any generated code that should be committed, such as CAN message headers generated by codegen tooling, has not been updated. Another GitHub Actions workflow also posts a release containing our CAN system's DBC file on every push to master.
More information can be found by reading our main workflow file.
- GNU ARM Embedded toolchain
- GNU Make 4.0 or above
- Unity—Throw the Switch: our C unit testing framework
Before submitting an issue or a pull request to the project, please take a moment to review our code style guide first.
The firmware is made available under the MIT License.