Allows a user to search for any national park for a given visitation date in the US. It not only displays general information and a brief summary for each park, but also presents the user with a star chart of what the night sky will look like at that park on a specific date, and general weather information provided by the National Parks Service. Park-specific and Near-Earth-Object alerts are both displayed via modal.
- Objective
- Technologies Used
- Processes
- Future Development
- Deployment
We were tasked with building an interactive app with a CSS framework other than Bootstrap. It required the use of at least two server-side API's and local storage. The final project then had to be deployed via GitHub pages.
- JavaScript/jQuery/AJAX
- Fotorama plugin
- CSS: Foundation by Zurb
- Git/GitHub
- API's: National Park Service, Wikipedia, NASA NeoWs
- Star Chart code forked from ytliu0's Star Charts:
- Tested API calls
- Built HTML and CSS Foundation files
- Applied DRY principles by utilizing reusable JavaScript functions for each page
- Linked park images and data, including closures and alerts, with individual park selections
- Incorporated the Star Chart, which uses the latitude and longitude from the selected park
- Added the Fotorama gallery plugin to display park images returned by the NPS API
- Utilized a multitude of NPS API endpoints to retrieve various data endpoints
- Star chart scaling/handling for mobile screens
- Update font options
- Regionally-based dropdown menu for parks
- Interactive map on homepage to search by region or individual park
- Additional Near-Earth-Object data (comets and other celestial bodies)
- Add tags for additional park info (e.g. pets allowed, amenities, other activities, etc.)