— Commands for hiding lines based on a regexp
- Filename
- hide-lines.el
- Description
- Commands for hiding lines based on a regexp
- Author
- Mark Hulme-Jones <ture at plig cucumber dot net>
- Maintainer
- Joe Bloggs <>
- Version
- 20130623.1701
- Last-Updated
- 2013-06-22 22:38:04
- By
- Joe Bloggs
- Keywords
- convenience
- Compatibility
- GNU Emacs 24.3.1
The simplest way to make hide-lines work is to add the following lines to your .emacs file:
(autoload 'hide-lines "hide-lines" "Hide lines based on a regexp" t)
(global-set-key "\C-ch" 'hide-lines)
Now, when you type C-c h, you will be prompted for a regexp (regular expression). All lines matching this regexp will be hidden in the buffer.
Alternatively, you can type C-u C-c h (ie. provide a prefix argument to the hide-lines command) to hide all lines that do not match the specified regexp.
If you want to make all of the hidden areas re-appear again, type: M-x hide-lines-show-all Or you can bind show-all-invisible to a key and use that to show all the hidden areas again.
If you prefer the opposite behaviour either use hide-lines-not-matching
or set hide-lines-reverse-prefix
to t.
is useful in the Messages buffer or Packages buffer (M-x list-packages).
In the Packages buffer the following regular expression can be used to
limit the display to all packages marked for installation/uninstallation
Put hide-lines.el in a directory in your load-path, e.g. ~/.emacs.d/ You can add a directory to your load-path with the following line in ~/.emacs (add-to-list ‘load-path (expand-file-name “~/elisp”)) where ~/elisp is the directory you want to add (you don’t need to do this for ~/.emacs.d - it’s added by default).
Add the following to your ~/.emacs startup file.
(require ‘hide-lines)
Below is a complete list of commands:
- hide-lines :
Hide lines matching the specified regexp.
Keybinding:M-x hide-lines
- hide-lines-not-matching :
Hide lines that don’t match the specified regexp.
Keybinding:M-x hide-lines-not-matching
- hide-lines-matching :
Hide lines matching the specified regexp.
Keybinding:M-x hide-lines-matching
- hide-lines-show-all :
Show all areas hidden by the filter-buffer command.
Keybinding:M-x hide-lines-show-all
- hide-blocks-not-matching
Hide text that is not between lines matching START-TEXT and END-TEXT.
M-x hide-blocks-not-matching
- hide-blocks-matching
Hide text that is between lines matching START-TEXT and END-TEXT.
M-x hide-blocks-matching
- hide-lines-kill-hidden
Kill or delete all hidden areas.
M-x hide-lines-kill-hidden
Below is a list of customizable options:
- hide-lines-reverse-prefix :
If non-nil then - hide-lines : will call - hide-lines-matching : by default, and - hide-lines-not-matching : with a single prefix.
default value:nil