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Pomodoro: Progressive Decomposition Methods with Acceleration

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Pomodoro: Progressive Decomposition Methods with Acceleration

Pomodoro is an MPI C++ implementation of an abstract acceleration framework for solving distributed optimization problems. The algorithms accelerate the Progressive decomposition method in (Rockafellar, SVA-2018) by using several different optimization acceleration techniques. In particular, it uses the power of Anderson acceleration to obtain fast convergence and scalability to multiple workers (see, e.g., our paper (Mai and Johansson, ICML-2020) for background on Anderson acceleration for proximal convex optimization).

Apart from a compiler that supports C++17 features, we also have the following requirements:

  1. MPI
  2. CMAKE
  3. BLAS and LAPACK


We consider optimization on the form:

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where f i ( x ) models the individual loss of agent i , g(x) is a regulerizer, and the linear subspace S represents coupling constraints between agents. The component functions f i ( x ) and the decision vector are distributed among the m agents.

Example: Logistic Regression

The following listing shows how to use the solver function in pomodoro to solve a logistic regression problem on the real-sim dataset that contains 72309 samples and 20958 features. We use L-BFGS as the subproblem solver. More examples can be found in the examples/ directory.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include "mpi.h"
#include "pomodoro.hpp"

using namespace function::loss;
using namespace utility;
template <class value_t>
data<value_t> getdata(const std::pair<std::string, std::array<size_t, 2> > &dataset,
    int &m, const int rank, const int nprocs, const MPI_Comm &COMM);

int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
    // Setting up MPI processes
    int nprocs, rank;
    MPI_Comm COMM;
    MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);
    MPI_Comm_size(COMM, &nprocs);
    MPI_Comm_rank(COMM, &rank);

    // Parameters
    int m, dataset_choice{8};
    optimizer::admm_params<double> params;
    optimizer::lbfgs_params<double> subsolver_params;
    getargv(argc, argv, dataset_choice, params, subsolver_params);
    params.nprocs = nprocs;

    // Load and distribute the data set to `nprocs` workers
    auto dataset =;
    auto dataloc = getdata<double>(dataset, m, rank, nprocs, COMM);
    // Specify a local loss function
    admm_logistic<double> lossloc(dataloc);

#ifdef ADMM
    optimizer::pomodoro<double, accelerator::none> alg(params);
    const std::string solver = "_admm";
#elif defined APPA
    optimizer::pomodoro<double, accelerator::appa> alg(params);
    const std::string solver = "_appa";
#elif defined ANDERSON_ADMM
    optimizer::aa_admm<double> alg(params);
    const std::string solver = "_anderson_admm";
#elif defined ANDERSON
    optimizer::pomodoro<double, accelerator::anderson> alg(params);
    alg.accelerator_parameters(5, 1E-10);
    const std::string solver = "_aapomo";

    // Pick a subprolem solver
    optimizer::lbfgs<double, stepsize::linesearch> subsolver(subsolver_params);
    logger::valfeas<double> logger;
    terminator::combine<double> terminator(params.max_iters, 1E-10, 1E-10, 1E-10, 1E-10);

    // Initialize a global decision vector        
    int n = dataloc.nfeatures();
    std::vector<double> x(n, 1 / (double) n);
    MPI_Bcast(&x[0], x.size(), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, COMM);

    // Solve the problem
    alg.solve(subsolver, lossloc, logger, terminator, COMM, rank);

    // Store the output
    if (rank == 0) {
      [[maybe_unused]] auto &[dataname, dims] = dataset;
      logger.csv("examples/output/" + dataname + solver
          + "_nprocs" + std::to_string(nprocs)
          + "_rho" + std::to_string(params.rho) + ".csv");

    // Finalize MPI processes
    return 0;

Building and running

For example, to compile the methods ADMM and ANDERSON listed above, we add the following lines to CMakeLists.txt:

add_executable(admm admm.cpp)
target_compile_features(admm PRIVATE cxx_std_17)
target_compile_options(admm PRIVATE -Wall -Wpedantic -Wno-vla-extension -O2)
target_compile_definitions(admm PUBLIC ADMM)
target_link_libraries(admm lib::pomodoro)
add_executable(anderson admm.cpp)
target_compile_features(anderson PRIVATE cxx_std_17)
target_compile_options(anderson PRIVATE -Wall -Wpedantic -Wno-vla-extension -O2)
target_compile_definitions(anderson PUBLIC ANDERSON)
target_link_libraries(anderson lib::pomodoro)

We are ready to call CMake and get our build system:

cmake -S. -Bbuild

And finally build our executable:

cmake --build build

To execute the two algorithms with 16 MPI processes, 50 iterations, and 30 iterations of L-BFGS, we run:

OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 mpiexec -n 16 ./build/examples/admm -i 50 -k 30

OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 mpiexec -n 16 ./build/examples/anderson -i 50 -k 30


Having run the algorithms, we can now load the outputs and plot the loss values or constraint residuals with respect to iteration counts and wall-clock times.

dataset = "real-sim"
optval  = optvals[dataset]
algos = ["admm", "anderson"]
labels = ["admm", "anderson"]
colors = ['C0', 'C3']
markers = ['', '.']

nprocs = [2, 4, 8, 16];
for idx in range(len(algos)):
    for proc_idx in range(len(nprocs)):
        k = []; t = []; f = []; feas = []
        with open("output/" + dataset + "_" + algos[idx] + "_nprocs" + str(nprocs[proc_idx]) + "_rho1.000000"".csv") as csvfile:
            csvReader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=",")
            for row in csvReader:
                t.append(float(row[1]) / 60)
                feas.append(float(row[3])) # Feasibility
        plt.plot(k, [f - optval for f in f], color=colors[idx], marker=markers[proc_idx], label=labels[idx]+"-"+str(nprocs[proc_idx]))
        # plt.plot(t, [f - optval for f in f], color=colors[idx], label=labels[idx])
        # plt.plot(k, [fe for fe in feas], color=colors[idx], label=labels[idx])
plt.ylabel("Objective value")

Alt text

See the Jupyter notebook under the examples/ directory for more detail.