A multipurpose Discord with Image search, AI Image recognition and a music player, designed to be hosted on Heroku.
Right now, the bot can:
- Play Songs
- Search Images
- Convert Text to Speech
- Recognize & Classify Images (requires an IBM Cloud account to use IBM Watson)
- prefix = the command prefix for bot (usually it is !) [Example: ! or ~].
- token = Your unique Discord API Token from the bot's account.
- watson_key = Your unique IBM API key from IBM Cloud.
- watson_url = The URL in IBM Cloud with the API Key.
- giphykey = Your unique Giphy API key.
- youtubeKey = Your unique YouTube API key.
- ownerid = Your Discord ID (the one made up entirely of numbers).
- GENIUS_KEY = Your unique Genius API key.
- FFMpeg Buildback https://github.com/jonathanong/heroku-buildpack-ffmpeg-latest.git
- Official Nodejs Buildpack heroku/nodejs
- <prefix>play <song> : Plays song from YouTube
- <prefix>analyze + image attachment: When added to an image caption, triggers the Image Recognitnion.
- <prefix>stop : Stops playback.
- <prefix>skip : Skips to next song in queue.
- <prefix>image <search term> : Displays images related to the search term.
- <prefix>bruh : Displays a bruh gif.
- <prefix>tts <language accent> <text>: Converts text in any script to audio.
- <prefix>gif <search term> : Displays a gif related to the search term.
- <prefix>lyrics <search term> : Searches and displays lyrics from Genius.com.
- <prefix>kick <memeber> : Kicks member.
- <prefix>ban <member> : Bans member.
** Language accents: en, it, jp, ru, etc.**
It's better to do it in order.
- Get a Discord account (Because, Duh!)
- Create an application and profile for your bot and add it to your server. (Look it up on Youtube if you find it tough)
- Give these permissions to your bot: Connect, Speak, Send Messages and Manage Messages.
- Do all the authorization stuff.
- Keep a copy of your bot's token (privately).
- Create an account
- Create a Visual Recognition resource (the Lite free plan is enough).
- Find the The Api Key and Url in the resource details and keep a copy of it (again, privately),
- Fork this repo and deploy to Heroku.
- You must see your bot should be building in the application logs or in the overview. If not, then manually deploy it.
- Start the worker dyno "npm start" in the overview. The "web" dyno switches off randomly so its better to keep it off.
- Keep an eye on the application logs in Heroku to find out any problems.
- Heroku gives only 450 free hours a month, simply adding credit card details will will give an extra 550 hours.
- The Visual Recognition feature only works for images uploaded by users in the server, it does not work on links.
- The IBM Visual Recognition service deletes itself if inactive for a month.