Counts swear words over time in a git repository. Available as a standalone executable and as a service.
Cummulative timeline of Powercord:
Histogram word count of South Park episode descriptions:
The JSON endpoint returning the count of swears is the following:[&branch=branch_name]
The endpoint returning PNG images of graphs is the following:[&branch=branch_name]
To know more on the endpoints, see the wiki
Using's dynamic json endpoint you can interface with the service to get beautiful badges, for example:
usage: git-swears
-a,--list-graphs Lists available graph types
-b,--branch <arg> Git branch to count in
-g,--graph <arg> Outputs a graph
-i,--image-type <arg> Image type
-r,--repo <arg> Path to the git repository
-s,--swears <arg> Swear list. Either a comma-separated list, or
fully qualified URL to a newline-separated list
-t,--list-image-types Image type
mvn compile assembly:single -P <profiles>
The following Maven profiles are available:
builds what's needed to use git-swears as a librarycli
builds the base + the CLIservice
builds the base + the Vert.x service
You think this is supposed to be a serious project?