Central configuration repository client using Zookeeper. Build on top of Zookeeper using Curator Framework https://github.com/Netflix/curator
- Java Application connects to set of Zookeeper servers using Curator Framework
- Fetches recent configuration settings (property file) and maintains local copy in HashMap for quick lookups
- Client watches znode for changes and updates local HashMap when configuration changes
- Optionally client may add listeners on each configuration key to handle onChange events
// Zookeeper CuratorFramework Connections
CuratorFramework zooClient = CuratorFrameworkFactory.builder().namespace("curatordemo")
.connectString("localhost:2181").retryPolicy(new ExponentialBackoffRetry(1000, 3))
// Configuration Manager Initialization
ConfManager confManager = ConfManager.getInstance();
confManager.setDataFormat(CONF_DATA_FORMAT.JSON); // assumes data to be in JSON
confManager.setZookeeperPath("/sample-path"); // optional to set correct global path
// Read Properties (String, Integers, Arrays)
String stringProp = confManager.getPropertyAsString("test.stringKey", "defValue");
Integer intProp = confManager.getPropertyAsInteger("test.intKey", 10);
ArrayList<String> arrayProp = confManager.getPropertyAsList("test.arrayKey", Arrays.asList(""));
confManager.addChangeListener("test.changeKeyTest", new ConfManager.PropertyChangeHandler<String>() {
public void handle(String newValue) {
System.out.println("Received new value: " + newValue);