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Async MongoDB with vanilla Pydantic v2+ - made easy.

Key features:

  • Database model and API design with vanilla Pydantic v2+.
  • Relationship support and validation using async validators and delete rules with a declarative, decorator-based syntax.
  • ODM-like query builder for convenient, typed, and Pythonic query construction.
  • Declarative index specification.
  • Typed utilities for convenient model and API creation.
  • Ready to use, customizable async service layer with transaction support that integrates all the above to keep your API and business logic clean, flexible, and easy to understand.
  • Simplicity: by not being a classic ODM, the codebase is very simple and easy to understand (even contribute to) even for relative beginners.

By providing a convenient, declarative middle layer between MongoDB and your API, motorhead is halfway between an object document mapper (based on vanilla Pydantic) and a database driver (by wrapping the official, async motor driver). What's missing is the built-in ODM performance and memory overhead, whose benefits are rarely felt when working with document databases.

See the full documentation here.


The library is available on PyPI and can be installed with:

$ pip install motorhead


See the documentation for usage and application examples.


The project depends on motor (the official asyncio MongoDB driver, which is built on top of pymongo and bson) and pydantic v2+.


Use black for code formatting, mypy for static code analysis, ruff for linting, and pytest (with pytest-asyncio and pytest-docker) for testing.

The documentation is built with mkdocs-material and mkdocstrings.


All contributions are welcome.


This project is the continuation of fastapi-motor-oil with support for Pydantic v2, among other improvements. Migration from fastapi-motor-oil should be easy, but if you need help, just create an issue in the issue tracker.

License - MIT

The library is open-sourced under the conditions of the MIT license.