A download and install guide to conda can be found on http://conda.pydata.org/docs/download.html, and a really good description of first steps with conda are described here: http://conda.pydata.org/docs/test-drive.html
I highly recommend to download the conda version, which contains python 3.5. If you do so, you need to create a conda environment to execute exciting python 2 EXCITINGSCRIPTS commands in:
conda create --name exciting python=2.7
Next, you have to install some basic packages in this environment:
source activate exciting
conda install lxml numpy
Then, before running commands from the EXCITINGSCRIPTS, you have to activate the environment:
source activate exciting
To obtain excalibr, you first need a github (www.github.com) account. Then, you generate a new python 3.5 environment with conda:
conda create --name pm_dev
Activate it and install pip:
source activate pm_dev
conda install pip
You can then clone the code:
git clone -b master https://github.com/vorwerkc/excalibr.git
Change into the directory and pip install it:
cd ./excalibr
pip install -e .