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K-Means clustering in C++17: header-only sequential and parallel implementations


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k-means clustering

Brief description

k-means is a simple and popular clustering technique. It is a standard baseline when the number of cluster centers (k) is known (or almost known) a-priori.

Given a set of observations (x1, x2, ..., xn), where each observation is a d-dimensional real vector, k-means clustering aims to partition the n observations into k <= n sets so as to minimize the within-cluster sum of squares (i.e. variance) [1].

In its naive form (also known as the Lloyd's version) the algorithm is composed of two steps:

  • Assignment step: Assign each observation to the cluster with the nearest mean: that is the one with the least squared Euclidean distance.

  • Update step: Recalculate means (centroids) for observations assigned to each cluster.

The average complexity is given by O(knT), were n is the number of samples and T is the number of iteration.

Although being a computationally hard problem (NP-hard) this algorithm is, in practice, very fast, but it falls in local minima. Given these properties it is usually restarted several times, in order to get a better estimate of the real centroids.

Fore more details have a look at my report.


k-means works for Euclidean spaces of arbitrary dimensionality (obviously suffering the curse of dimensionality) and in this implementation this number will be not fixed a-priori.

A few simple synthetic datasets of various dimensionalities (2 and 3) and data size (500 to 500k data points) are placed under datasets/. For example


is a directory containing a dataset of 100000 points in 2D synthetically generated around 3 cluster centers (centroids). Inside every directory there will be 2 csv files:

  1. centroids.csv: The real centroids (that should match the ones computed by k-means).
  2. data.csv: The actual data to be clustered.

The code is structured as following:

  • include/: Contains the headers used by both versions (sequential and parallel). IMPORTANT REMARK: The following four header files are taken from robin_map, in particular from the commit 84c1bee16e2449c28589ccd6ab366df257d18c24. These implement a faster version of the std::unordered_map. Copyright notice has been mantained, as required by the MIT license.

    1. include/robin_growth_policy.h
    2. include/robin_hash.h
    3. include/robin_map.h
    4. include/robin_hash.h

    Other than that this sub-directory contains:

    • container.h: Header file implementing the definitions of the data structures mainly used in this project. These are simply arrays, arrays of arrays (namely vec and mat) and hash maps. If you don't want to use robin_map, just change the alias definition of the kmeans::hash at line 18. You can change it with the std::unordered_map but be aware that doing so will slow down the code.
    • container_io.h: Header file implementing a few helper functions for I/O.
    • utils.h: Header file implementing a few methods used by both versions (sequential and parallel).
    • sample.h: Header file for the sampling process (will be included in utils.h in a future commit).

This implementation passes cppcheck and valgrind tests.


Under sequential/ you will find:

  • benchmark/: Sub-directory used for running benchmarks.
  • test/: Sub-directory used for (sort of) unit-testing the algorithm. Has a separate README file.
  • kmeans.h: Header file containing the implementation of the sequential kmeans algorithm.
  • Makefile: Very (very) simple makefile needed just for alternating between debug and release mode.
  • seq.cpp: Example source file where the code functionality is shown.


Since this implementation is centered on performance the user has to specify every time the "hyperparameters" of the algorithm, in order to help the compiler optimize the code. This is done in the main function inside seq.cpp, where these lines have to be edited each time

const size_t num_points = 100000;
const size_t dim = 2;
const size_t k = 3;
const size_t niter = 500;
const std::string data_path = "../datasets/2d/100000_samples_3_centers/data.csv";
const double eps = 1e-4;

In particular

  • num_points is the number of data points (Warning: this number needs to match the one preceding _samples in the data_path variable).
  • dim is the dimensionality of the data set (Warning: this number needs to match the one indicating the sub-directory in the data_path variable).
  • k is the number of cluster centers (Warning: this number needs to match the one preceding _centers in the data_path variable).
  • niter is the number of iterations that the algorithm will run through.
  • data_path is the string containing the path to the data.csv that the user wants to cluster.
  • eps is the tolerance value for establishing the convergence of the algorithm. When all the candidate centroids have moved of a distance <= eps wrt the previous candidates, then the algorithm will stop. If set to a value less or equal to zero this feature will not be used and the algorithm will run for niter.

Once these are set up the user has to run

$ make
$ ./kmeans_seq

and the algorithm will execute. In this early version the centroids computed by k-means will be printed to the console. The main function (kmeans::seq::kmeans) will be timed and the elapsed time will be displayed as well.

For debugging run

$ make sequential_db
$ ./kmeans_seq_db

The compiler I used is g++ 10.2.0 with -std=c++17.


This version does not differ substantially from the sequential one.

Under parallel/ you will find:

  • benchmark/: Sub-directory used for running benchmarks.
  • test/: Sub-directory used for (sort of) unit-testing the algorithm. Has a separate README file.
  • par_kmeans.h: Header file containing the implementation of a multi-threaded version of the kmeans algorithm.
  • thread_pool.h: Header file containing the implementation of a thead pool.
  • Makefile: Very (very) simple makefile needed just for alternating between debug and release mode.
  • seq.cpp: Example source file where the code functionality is shown.


You can refer to the previous section for instructions: specifications are the same (except that you can now set the desired number of threads).