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Command-line tool to read icalendar events


This command-line tool allows users to query and filter iCalendar (RFC 5545) calendars. It leverages the excellent recurring-ical-events library for parsing and querying the calendar contents.

Leveraging the powerful jsonargparse library, this tool supports configuration and control via command-line parameters or a JSON configuration file.


  • Download and parse iCalendar files
    • from remote HTTP URL (https://<path to icalendar server>)
    • from local file URL (file://<abs. path to local ICS file>)
    • configurable encoding
  • Filtering
    • by start- and end-date range
    • by event summary, description or location text (RegEx match)
  • Different Outputs
    • Formats: JSON, human-readable (pretty printed)
    • Targets: shell (stdout), file


Changes can be followed at


For development:


With pip / pipx

pip install icalendar-events-cli
pipx install icalendar-events-cli

Setup directly from github repo / clone

git clone
cd icalendar-events-cli

python -m venv .venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate
pip install .


All parameters can be provided either as command-line arguments or through a JSON configuration file (default: config.json). A combination of both methods is also supported.

A common approach is to define the calendar URL and HTTP authentication credentials in the JSON configuration file, while specifying filters as command-line arguments. Alternatively, you can define all credentials via command-line parameters or include the applied filters directly in the JSON configuration file.

The results of all executed queries are returned in human-readable (pretty-printed) or machine-readable JSON format. This output can be displayed directly on the shell (stdout) or saved to a file.

The machine-readable JSON output format is designed for seamless integration with automation platforms, such as Node-RED, which typically execute the icalendar-events-cli tool.


Example 1: Query Public Holiday Calendar

  • Use human-readable output format
  • Pass all parameters as command-line arguments
icalendar-events-cli --calendar.url \
  --filter.start-date $(date +%Y)-01-01T02:00:00+02:00 \
  --filter.end-date $(date +%Y)-12-31T02:00:00+01:00 \
  --filter.summary ".*(Weihnacht|Oster).*"

Start Date:         2025-01-01T02:00:00+02:00
End Date:           2025-12-31T02:00:00+01:00
Summary Filter:     .*(Weihnacht|Oster).*
Number of Events:   3

2025-04-20T00:00:00+02:00 -> 2025-04-20T23:59:59+02:00 [86399 sec]     | Ostersonntag  (Brandenburg) | Description: Common local holiday -  Der Ostersonntag ist laut der christlichen Bibel ein Feiertag in Deutschland, um die Auferstehung Jesu Christi zu feiern.
2025-04-21T00:00:00+02:00 -> 2025-04-21T23:59:59+02:00 [86399 sec]     | Ostermontag  | Description: Christian -  Viele Menschen in Deutschland begehen jährlich den Ostermontag am Tag nach dem Ostersonntag. Es ist in allen Bundesstaaten ein Feiertag.
2025-12-25T00:00:00+01:00 -> 2025-12-25T23:59:59+01:00 [86399 sec]     | Weihnachten  | Description: Christian -  Der Weihnachtstag markiert die Geburt Jesu Christi und ist ein gesetzlicher Feiertag in Deutschland. Es ist jedes Jahr am 25. Dezember.

Example 2: Query School Vacation Calendar

The machine-readable JSON output format is designed for seamless integration with automation platforms, such as Node-RED, which typically execute the icalendar-events-cli tool.

  • Use JSON output format++
  • Mixed parameter configuration: Pass only end-date as command-line argument.

Create school-summer-vacation.json containing calendar URL, summary filter and output format settings:

  "calendar" : {
      "url" : "",
      "verify_url": true
  "filter": {
    "summary": "Sommer.*"
  "output": {
    "format": "json"

Query the calendar for summer vacation until end of next year:

icalendar-events-cli --config school-summer-vacation.json --filter.end-date $(($(date +%Y) + 1))-12-31T23:59:59

  "filter": {
    "start-date": "2025-01-25T11:09:20+01:00",
    "end-date": "2026-12-31T23:59:59+01:00",
    "summary": "Sommer.*"
  "events": [
      "start-date": "2025-07-31T00:00:00+02:00",
      "end-date": "2025-09-13T23:59:59+02:00",
      "summary": "Sommerferien Baden-Württemberg 2025",
      "description": "Schulferien 2025:",
      "location": "BW"
      "start-date": "2026-07-30T00:00:00+02:00",
      "end-date": "2026-09-12T23:59:59+02:00",
      "summary": "Sommerferien Baden-Württemberg 2026",
      "description": "Schulferien 2026:",
      "location": "BW"

All Available Parameters and Configuration Options

Details about all available options:

Usage: icalendar-events-cli [-h] [--version] [-c CONFIG] --calendar.url URL [--calendar.verify-url {true,false}]
                            [--calendar.user USER] [--calendar.password PASSWORD] [--calendar.encoding ENCODING]
                            [-s START_DATE] [-e END_DATE] [-f SUMMARY] [--filter.description DESCRIPTION]
                            [--filter.location LOCATION] [--output.format {human_readable,json}] [-o FILE]

Command-line tool to read events from a iCalendar (ICS) files. | Version 1.0.0 | Copyright 2023-2025

Default Config File Locations:
  ['./config.json'], Note: no existing default config file found.

  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --version             Print version and exit.
  -c, --config CONFIG   Path to JSON configuration file.
  --calendar.url URL    URL of the iCalendar (ICS).
                        Also URLs to local files with schema file://<absolute path to local file> are supported. (required, type: None)
  --calendar.verify-url {true,false}
                        Configure SSL verification of the URL (type: None, default: True)
  --calendar.user USER  Username for calendar URL HTTP authentication (basic authentication) (type: None, default: None)
  --calendar.password PASSWORD
                        Password for calendar URL HTTP authentication (basic authentication) (type: None, default: None)
  --calendar.encoding ENCODING
                        Encoding of the calendar (default: UTF-8)
  -s, --filter.start-date START_DATE
                        Start date/time of event filter by time (ISO format). Default: now (type: datetime_isoformat, default: now)
  -e, --filter.end-date END_DATE
                        End date/time of event filter by time (ISO format). Default: end of today (type: datetime_isoformat, default: end of today)
  -f, --filter.summary SUMMARY
                        RegEx to filter calendar events based on the summary attribute. (type: regex_type, default: None)
  --filter.description DESCRIPTION
                        RegEx to filter calendar events based on the description attribute. (type: regex_type, default: None)
  --filter.location LOCATION
                        RegEx to filter calendar events based on the location attribute. (type: regex_type, default: None)
  --output.format {human_readable,json}
                        Output format. (type: None, default: human_readable)
  -o, --output.file FILE
                        Path of JSON output file. If not set the output is written to console / stdout (type: None, default: None)


Setup environment

pdm install --dev

Format / Linter / Tests

# Check code style
pdm run format

# Check linter
pdm run lint

# Run tests
pdm run tests


# API token will be requested interactively as password
pdm publish -u __token__

# or to
pdm publish --repository testpypi -u __token__


Special thanks to recurring-ical-events for providing the core library that powers this tool.