This is a code intended to control a Colormaq Washing Machine 11 Kg with an arduino uno.
The mainboard of my washing machine fried after a electrical surge. I
discovered that the TRIACs were still working, so I made a board that could
fire their triggers using an Arduino. The schematic is provided in the file
The messages in the 20x4 LCD display are written in Portuguese, but the comments and the serial messages are all in English.
Six modes are available:
Simple Wash: The most basic washing process, it is depicted in Figure 1
Normal Wash: Repeat the whole "Simple Wash" process three times, where only the first "wait step" of the first "Simple Wash" process will be 15 min instead of 5 min.
Delicate wash: Same as the Normal Wash, but the interval between two alternate shaft rotations is increased.
Double Wash: Repeat "Simple Wash" two times.
Just Centrifuge: Only performs centrifugation.
Just Soak: Fill the tank and end the process.
Figure 1: "Simple Wash" flowchart
After finish the selected mode, the machine will emit a beep. If the tank takes too long to fill, the machine will display an error on the LCD screen, beep for a few seconds and stay on hold.
The machine displays a time estimation of the wash cycle, but it is imprecise. I think it should be improved with a hardware clock module.
As interface, the project uses a 20x4 LCD to display the menu, a select button and a start button. There are also serial messages for debug purposes.