Tests on Python Code Examples.
Install and activate the virtual environment:
python3 -m virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Install the necessary dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run some function:
python3 -m sources.file_to_run
To run all the tests in directory 'tests':
python -m unittest discover -s tests
- calculate_power.py: calculate a power x^y of a number.
- camel_2_snake_case.py: converts a file text content from camel case to snake case.
- convert_pdf_to_docx.py: converts a pdf file to a docx file.
- float_format.py: tests and prints multiple float formats.
- happy_teacher_day.py: prints a heart in the console with the word Teachers, for happy teachers day.
- I_love_you.py: prints a heart in the console with a given 8-character word.
- remove_background.py: removes background from images, letting only the main subject.
- split_script.py: splits a text input file (like a log) into a given number of chunks.
- fake_data.py: creates fake test data using Faker.
- qrcode.py: creates a QR-Code from your data.
- fines_ibama_brazil.py: Environmental fines research in Brazil's government site.
- app_logging.py: the basics of logging in Python.
- Wallace Espindola, Sr. Software Engineer / Java & Python Dev
- E-mail: wallace.espindola@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wallaceespindola/
- Website: https://wtechitsolutions.com/
- This project is released under the Apache 2.0 License. See the LICENSE file for details.
- Copyright © 2024 Wallace Espindola.