DSSPparser is an easy tool to parse dssp file, and can transform PDB format file to dssp format file by dssp,also support the tansfrom between the PDB id and dssp format, hssp format and sequence.
stabel verison
pip install DSSPparser
lastest version
pip install git+https://github.com/neolei/DSSPparser.git
parse dssp file to pandas.dataframe
from DSSPparser import parseDSSP
parser = parseDSSP('2GW9.dssp')
pddict = parser.dictTodataframe()
Transform between the PDB format and dssp format
- Note: please install the DSSP software.
conda install -c salilab dssp
from DSSPparser import pdbToxssp_local
result = pdbToxssp_local("2GW9")
Released under the MIT license.