These files dictate the configuration of each NixOS computer I have.
Microsoft Surface Pro (5th Gen) 128GiB i5 4GiB
Microsoft Surface Laptop Go 128GiB i5 8GiB
Acer Swift 3
Thinkpad x61 tablet
Follow the NixOS manual to install NixOS. Next sign-in with the user created during installation and clone these repositories:
# D/L repos that define configuration
git clone
git clone
# For managing passwords with pass + my YubiKey
git clone
Now copy the configuration files derived during install and add them to this repo:
# Mirror system configuration to this repo
touch "nixfiles/system/hosts/$(hostname).nix"
sudo ln -sf "`pwd`/nixfiles/system/configuration.nix" /etc/nixos/
sudo ln -sf "`pwd`/nixfiles/system/hosts/`hostname`.nix" /etc/nixos/host.nix
Now set up the user's awesomewm configuration and manage everything with home-manager:
# Misc directories
mkdir -p ~/.config
mkdir -p ~/img/screenshot
# User scripts
ln -s ~/nixfiles/bin ~/bin
# Configure awesomewm
mkdir -p "awesome-wm-config/themes/$(hostname)"
touch "awesome-wm-config/themes/$(hostname)/theme.lua"
ln -s ~/awesome-wm-config .config/awesome
# Install home-manager
nix-channel --add home-manager
nix-channel --update
nix-shell '<home-manager>' -A install
# Initial home-manager profile
ln -s ~/nixfiles/home ~/.config/nixpkgs
home-manager switch
Reloading the WM (Super + Ctrl + R
is awesome's default) should now yield my
normal desktop experience.
MIT License (available under /LICENSE)