Requires kustomize 3.2.2 or higher.
A kustomize plugin to generate Kubernetes secrets from sops encrypted files.
Env files generate a secret value per line, other file types use the file as value. Supports combining multiple files into a single secret.
Kustomize looks for plugins in ~/.config/kustomize/plugin
go install
mkdir -p ~/.config/kustomize/plugin/secretgen
curl -Ls | tar -C ~/.config/kustomize/plugin/secretgen -xz
mkdir -p ~/.config/kustomize/plugin/secretgen
go build -o ~/.config/kustomize/plugin/secretgen/secretgen cmd/main.go
You have to pass the enable_alpha_plugins
flag to kustumize when building:
kustomize build --enable_alpha_plugins my-manifests/
Import the gpg key:
gpg --import test-key.asc
and run the tests:
go test -v .