Pit Stop is a travel journal web application that changes the way users remember their trips. Instead of creating daily journal entries, users add places they visited on a trip and create reflections on those places. This was inspired by the idea of memory space (Les Lieux de Mémoire) in that our memories are often tied to the places we have been.
- Clone down the Rails backend --git clone
- Clone down this repo into local machine --git clone
- cd into the directory
- Install all dependencies
npm install
- In the directory create a
file and add your Mapbox API key
- Start the Rails server
- Open up a new terminal and run this app
npm start
- Validate current users and keep them logged in using JWT
- Authenticate users' passwords with BCrypt
- log into the application
- sign up to create an account
- remain logged in if they never logged out
- security: need to input the correct password in order to have access to the update account form
- create a new trip
- see all of their trips
- update information about a trip
- delete a trip
- see a map with markers of all the places they visited on a trip
- click on a marker will open a pop up of information for a place and center the marker on the viewport
- close a popup with the escape key or clicking on the 'x' button
- use geolocation to see where you are
- see the latitude, longitude, and zoom on the map
- navigation controls: the map can be full-screen and zoom control
- see cards of all the places they visited on a trip
- labels on the cards of their category and if they would revisit or not
- can search places by name, filter by category, and filter by if they would revisit or not
- the result(s) of the searched/filtered places are reflected on both the cards of places and the markers on the map
- add a place and can use your current location for the latitude and longitude
- update a place's information
- deleting a place deletes their card as well as their marker from the map
- see all reflections for a place
- add reflections for a place
- validation that a reflection's rating must be between 0 - 10
- add a image to a reflection
- update a reflection
- delete a reflection
- There are 5 models that have the following associations
- React.js
- Redux
- Ruby on Rails API (Backend: https://github.com/wlcreate/Mod5Project_backend)
- PostgreSQL
- Active Record
- Rack CORS
- ActiveModel::Serializer
- Figaro
- BCrypt
- Mapbox API
- React-Map-Gl
- Cloudinary API
- react-country-region-selector
- particles-bg
- Semantic UI
- React Router
- This project was completed in 11 days for the purpose of the project presentation.
- Improve design elements
- Implement IBM Watson Tone Analyzer to see what mood a reflection is
- Have more of an international scope, especially for latitude and longitude, with Geocoding
- Incorporate trip planner aspects
- Notification when flights to places visited are cheap
I would like to thank:
- Sylwia Vargas
- Eric Kim
- Annie Zheng
- the Code Bender Cohort
- LogoMakr to create Pit Stop's logo
- Landing page video: Caelan Kelley from Pixabay
- Canva for video and image editing
- Custom map marker: icon made by inipagistudio from Flaticon
- Leigh Halliday's Mapbox - Interactive maps in React
- Sylwia Vargas' Hiding your API keys
- Reinald Reynoso's How to Upload Files in a React and Rails App
- Bruna's Image Storage in Rails Apps Using Cloudinary and Active Storage