I am currently working as a government consultant, and we provide services to various administrative organizations in Sichuan Province.
I get my Ph.D of Ecology from State Key Laboratory of Grasslands and Agro-Ecosystems,Lanzhou University, China.
amapGeocode: Getting and parsing data of location geocode/reverse-geocode and administrative regions from 'AutoNavi Maps'
fgitR: Enhancing the accessibility of package install from github.com in PRC.
moreThanANOVA:An open source, cloud-based and free automatic significant test application.
rdaWithStep: An open source, cloud-based and free automatic redundancy analysis with step selection procedures (So far, some improvements is needed).
I regularly write articles in Chinese on https://blog.washman.top. I realise there is too less Chinese content of R online. So any contribution might be worth, if it is contribution. A duplicated version of above articles can also be found from Zhihu.com, a Chinese Quora-like website.
I do not write too many academic papers, but they still can be found from ResearchGate or Publons. And yes, you're welcomed to cite them😘😘
About R:
- Expertise at Tidyverse and Base R;
- Experienced at Spatial Analysis in R (by raster and terra) and Machine Learning in R (by caret and tidymodels), this is the duty to finish my Ph.D thesis;
- Also experienced at Statistics in Public HealthCare and Time-Seril Analysis, as a part-time experience;
- As a lazy guy. Package procedures as Shiny Apps to make it easy to replicate.
- Data Visualization? Never Stop!
About SQL:
- As a researcher, all the data is storing in our own database server. So, expereinced at SQL Query.
- Due to no student can be authetic as an admin, modifing, deleting, even high frequency adding are forbiden. Only self-learnt experience, no product experience.
About Writing:
- Not academic writing, but online articles. I am super duper good at writing.
- During semi-gap years, I have gotten multiple 10W+ WeChat Articles.
About Docker:
- Passionate aboyut Home-labs. But a lazy guy, dockerize saves my life.
About Ecology: Show you my keywoard: Ecology Statistics; Spatial Ecology; Soil nematode; Landscape Ecology; Soil Comunity
🌱 I’m currently learning mongoDB and Tidymodels
💬 Ask me about tidyverse, ggplot2, Shiny, PostreSQL, Docker
📫 How to reach me chenhan28@gmail.com