# npm
npm install @kamino-finance/klend-sdk
# yarn
yarn add @kamino-finance/klend-sdk
This is the Kamino Lending Typescript SDK to interact with the Kamino Lend smart contract
// There are three levels of data you can request (and cache) about the lending market.
// 1. Initalize market with parameters and metadata
const market = await KaminoMarket.load(
new PublicKey("7u3HeHxYDLhnCoErrtycNokbQYbWGzLs6JSDqGAv5PfF") // main market address. Defaults to 'Main' market
console.log(market.reserves.map((reserve) => reserve.config.loanToValueRatio));
// 2. Refresh reserves
await market.loadReserves();
const usdcReserve = market.getReserve("USDC");
// Refresh all cached data
const obligation = market.getObligationByWallet("WALLET_PK");
const kaminoAction = await KaminoAction.buildDepositTxns(
new VanillaObligation(PROGRAM_ID),
const env = await initEnv('mainnet-beta');
await sendTransactionFromAction(env, sendTransaction); // sendTransaction from wallet adapter or custom
const kaminoMarket = await KaminoMarket.load(env.provider.connection, marketAddress, DEFAULT_RECENT_SLOT_DURATION_MS, programId);
const obligation = await kaminoMarket!.getUserVanillaObligation(user);
// to check the reserve is used in the obligation
const isReservePartOfObligation = kaminoMarket!.isReserveInObligation(obligation, reserve);
const kaminoMarket = await KaminoMarket.load(env.provider.connection, marketAddress, DEFAULT_RECENT_SLOT_DURATION_MS, programId);
const obligations = await kaminoMarket!.getAllUserObligationsForReserve(user, reserve);
- Fetch all user obligations, this should be cached as it takes longer to fetch
const kaminoMarket = await KaminoMarket.load(env.provider.connection, marketAddress, DEFAULT_RECENT_SLOT_DURATION_MS, programId);
const allUserObligations = await kaminoMarket!.getAllUserObligations(user);
allUserObligations.forEach(obligation => {
if (obligation !== null) {
for (const deposits of obligation.deposits.keys()) {
if (deposits.equals(reserve)) {
for (const borrows of obligation.borrows.keys()) {
if (borrows.equals(reserve)) {
yarn cli deposit --url <RPC> --owner ./keypair.json --token USDH --amount 10
yarn cli deposit --url <RPC> --owner ./keypair.json --token SOL --amount 10
The following will print all lending markets' raw account data JSONs:
yarn cli print-all-lending-market-accounts --rpc <RPC>
The output is a stream of consecutive JSON documents, which makes it appropriate for further processing using jq
. Use
's -s
option to skip the yarn version metadata from garbling the JSON output - e.g. the following will print
the autodeleverage enabled flag of every market, one per line:
yarn -s cli print-all-lending-market-accounts --rpc <RPC> | jq '.autodeleverageEnabled'
The following will print all reserves' raw account data JSONs:
yarn cli print-all-reserve-accounts --rpc <RPC>
The output is a stream of consecutive JSON documents, which makes it appropriate for further processing using jq
. Use
's -s
option to skip the yarn version metadata from garbling the JSON output - e.g. the following will print
the last update slot of every reserve, one per line:
yarn -s cli print-all-reserve-accounts --rpc <RPC> | jq '.lastUpdate.slot'
The following will print all obligations' raw account data JSONs:
yarn cli print-all-obligation-accounts --rpc <RPC>
The output is a stream of consecutive JSON documents, which makes it appropriate for further processing using jq
, with
the following gotchas:
- use
option to skip the yarn version metadata from garbling the JSON output, - use
mode to avoid buffering the entire output.
With this in mind, the following will print the last update slot of every obligation, one per line:
yarn -s cli print-all-obligation-accounts --rpc <RPC> | jq -cn --stream 'fromstream(1|truncate_stream(inputs)) | .lastUpdate.slot'
- Copy the new
from the kamino-lending program tosrc/idl.json
yarn codegen