Todo app
Android download link:
- Landing overview todo list
- Landing complete/incomplete todo list
- Add/Update/Remove todo lines
- Select single and select all todo lines
- Save todo list to local database by hive
- Milestone of todo list
- Login
- Notice update todo when timeout task
- Improve UX/UI
- Notification for update to do
---|--- hive | local database (nosql) hive_generator | support for build runner rxdart | support rxdart build_runner | support generate code by annotates
The state management framework used by the project is Provider
, and the architecture of the entire project is as follows
- The View layer is used to display layouts and is a variety of StatelessWidget pages.
- The Model layer is used to process data.
- The Logic layer does not save any data, only logical operations
The project directory structure is as follows:
├── android
├── build
├── ios
├── lib
├── pubspec.lock
├── pubspec.yaml
├── test
└── todox.iml