This is a simple CRUD application (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) application by using mysql query for database handling. I also added a simple authentication(i.e. single user login) at last because I wanted to deploy at herokuapp fantasticwrc and didn't want others to edit and delete the data.
FantasticWRC is based on following
- Node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- Express - web framework for handling and routing HTTP requests
- Mysql - for database
- Pug (
Jade) - high-performance templating language - Passport - Express-compatibale authentication middleware for Node.js
- Twitter Bootstrap - Thanks PUG-Bootstrap for the pug implementation
To get the Node server running locally:
Make sure you have Node.js and MySQL installed. Here Nodejs version v8.11.3 LTS is used to run.
Clone this repo:
git clone
Install the dependencies and devDependencies .
$ cd fantasticwrc
$ npm install -d
Manage Environment File
You can create a new .env
file in root directoyy and copy.env.default
Copy the file .env.default
to .env
and replace the value in key=value format environment file
Now use mysql to create a database and update the .env files values according to your mysql host,user,password and database name in DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD & DB_NAME respectively.
Note: USERNAME & PASSWORD is key for single user authentication
Create two table in the database users
and gw
CREATE TABLE `users` (
`name` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
`team` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`address` text NOT NULL,
`email` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`phone` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`num` int(11) not null unique,
`winid` int(11) not null,
Now let's run the server
$ npm run start
for simple run
$ npm run devstart
run using nodemon
$ DEBUG=fantasy:* npm run devstart
debug mode with nodemon
We have a Classic League as FantasticWRC in FantasyPremierLeague including current and ex-student.
And the student information is collected using Google Docs and that will be added to the database and if necessary we can add the details from this site. Each Premier League GameWeek there is a winner for 38 Week so there is drop down to select the week and the Players is also listed in dropdown. Select the winner to add to the database.
There is edit and delete options for any update in the details.
This app is deployed in herokuapp sorry it is not accessible for others now)
But You can easily deploy on your own in Heroku using it's great documentation. And for mysql you can use ClearDB and free database provided there by Google Cloud Platform or SOFTLAYER is enough for this.
- MultiUser Authentication
- Unauthenticated can view certain part like winners list