Grafana Boom Table Panel was created during early Grafana days to add some kind of transformations support for the Graphite and other timeseries databases. Given that now grafana have native transformations, I would recommend using Grafana Table Panel + Grafana transformations to achieve the equivalent. Also, it is now the time to archive this repository due to no maintenance.
Thank you community for the support. This plugin will be removed/archived from the grafana plugin catalog. Existing installations should continue to work. If that doesn't work, reach out to for support. You can also download old binaries from releases page.
Boom Table Panel for Grafana. Table/MultiStat plugin with multiple columns for Graphite, InfluxDB, Prometheus, Azure Monitor.
- Multi column support for graphite, InfluxDB, Prometheus & Azure Monitor
- Individual thresholds for cells based on pattern
- Multi level thresholds (N number of thresholds)
- Individual aggregation method for cell based on pattern
- Time based thresholds
- Individual cell values can be transformed to helpful texts, based on pattern.
- Transformed texts can also contain actual metrics
- Icons in metrics
- Units can be set at cell level based on pattern
- Row/Column name based on multiple graphite/InfluxDB/Prometheus columns
- Filter metrics
- Debug UI to test patterns
- Signed and published at
- Graphite
- InfluxDB
- Prometheus
- Azure Monitor
- AWS Cloud Watch
- Any datasources that returns data in timeseries format
- Grafana version 4.5.2
- Grafana version 5.0.2
- Grafana version 6.0.0
Pattern Editors Sample screenshots
Debug UI Sample screenshots
Pattern are regular expressions / name of the metrics. If there are multiple matching patterns, first match will be considered. To see the matching patterns, enable debug mode in Options panel.
Sample graphite series / Influx / Prometheus metrics
alias(carbon.agents.a.cache.queries, 'Carbon A usage')
alias(carbon.agents.b.cache.queries, 'Carbon B usage')
patterns and matching metrics
usage$ --> All the CPU, Memory metrics from prod and dev and also requests_per_sec metrics and also carbon usage
cpu.usage$ --> All the CPU metrics
free --> All the disk freespace metrics
^prod --> All the prod metrics
^dev.*.usage$ --> All the cpu, mem metrics of dev servers
^prod.*.cpu.usage$ --> All the cpu metrics of prod servers --> only
usage$ --> Carbon usage(Note the space before the pattern)
A usage$ --> Only carbon A usage
Row and Col names are derived from series name. If n is wrapped by "_", then that will be replaced by n-th column in graphite/influxdb/prometheus metric (separated by delimiter). Refer below examples and screenshots to get more idea. Or use debug mode to try. (n starts from index 0)
Sample graphite series / Influx / Prometheus Metrics
Pattern & Output
_4_ --> cpu
_4_ _5_ --> cpu usage
_4_ 2 _5_ --> cpu 2 usage
_4_ use --> cpu use
Production _4_ usage --> Production cpu usage
Production _4_ $somevar --> Production cpu value_of_somevar_variable
_series_ -->
_1_ _1_ --> server server
_4_ __5_ --> cpu _usage
Note : If you prefer to change the wrapper from "_" to something like "~" or "__", you can do it through the option "Row / Column identification wrapper" in options tab.
Thresholds are numbers separated by comma. There can be multiple thresholds.
Thresholds can be overridden, based on day and time of the browser.
Multiple time based threshold rules can be set for any given pattern. If multiple rule matches, last rule wins. If no rule matches, default thresholds will be applicable. Example given below.
Following notations should be followed when added time based threshold rule
Name : Can be any representation in string but not more than 60 characters.
From : in HHMM format examples: 0000 2400 1330 1250
To : in HHMM format examples: 0000 2400 1330 1250
On : Days separated by comma. Order doesn't matter. Examples; "Sat,Sun", "Mon,Sun,Tue"
Threshold : Same format as default threshold
WARNING: "From" and "To" fields will be compared against timestamp of last data received from server. If the last data point is not available, then browser time will be considered.
TIPS : If your threshold time rage ranges between two day, (example: 2300 of saturday to 0230 of sunday), then split the rule into two each for saturday and sunday.
NOTE : If you specify n number threshold levels in default pattern (ex: 20,30),then time based thresholds should also follow same number of levels.
Works the same way as single stat panel. Background color is a list of colors separated by pipe symbol. Colors can be named or hexadecimal colors or rgb or rgba. Number of colors should be greater than the number of thresholds.
Example of color patterns:
green|#797979|rgba(0, 0, 255,0.5)|rgb(0, 0, 255)|red
Example of matching patterns:
1: thresholds : 5
pattern : green|red
value : 5 output : red
value : 6 output : red
value : 4 output : green
2: thresholds : 70,90
pattern : green|orange|red
value : 95 output : red
value : 85 output : orange
value : 65 output : green
3: thresholds : 70,90
pattern : red|orange|green
value : 95 output : green
value : 85 output : orange
value : 65 output : red
Background colors can be overridden for specific values by using the pattern option Enable BG Color overrides for specific value?
. Override values should be specified in the BG Color Overrides
in the following format. If multiple matches found, first one will win.
Value and colors are separated by ->
. Multiple combination of values can be given separated by |
If background colors based on thresholds also specified along with this, this will be override the threshold based pattern.
Logic is same as background color. But the value to be displayed can be altered here. Display value will be replaced with the value provided. Values are separated by pipe. if the value is wrapped with _, then it will represent the actual value.
will be replaced by actual value with format and decimals
will be replaced by actual value without format and decimals
will be replaced by row name. This will be useful when you hide the first column.
will be replaced by col name. This will be useful when you hide the table header.
will be replaced by nth part of the series using _
delimiter. Same rule as row_name and col_name
The following tokens can be also used in value transform / default value template
- Min value of the series without formatting
- Min value of the series with formatting
- Max value of the series without formatting
- Max value of the series with formatting
- Average value of the series without formatting
- Average value of the series with formatting
- Current value of the series without formatting
- Current value of the series with formatting
- Total value of the series without formatting
- Total value of the series with formatting
Example transformation patterns :
GOOD (_value_)|_value_|_value
Time to party|Ill|RIP
_col_name_ : _value_| _col_name_ : _value_| _col_name_ : _value_
_row_name_ : _value_| _row_name_ : _value_| _row_name_ : _value_
_row_name_ _col_name_ : _value_| _row_name_ _col_name_ : _value_| _row_name_ _col_name_ : _value_
Sample value transformation: (Assume your metrics results, 95 and it is percentage data type)
_value_ --> 95%
GOOD (_value_) --> GOOD (95%)
HOT (_value_ > threshold of 80%) --> HOT (95% > threshold of 80%)
Contact help desk --> Contact help desk
Transform values can be overridden for specific values by using the pattern option Enable value transform overrides?
. Override values should be specified in the Value transform Overrides
in the following format. If multiple matches found, first one will win.
12->good|37.50->_fa-circle_|99->Oh no...
Value and transform values are separated by ->
. Multiple combination of values can be given separated by |
If transform values based on thresholds also specified along with this, this will be override the threshold based pattern.
Table cells can be clickable and open links in new tabs.
If the URL contains _row_name_
, it will be replaced by row name.
If the URL contains _col_name_
, it will be replaced by col name.
Note : If the row_name / col_name contains font awesome keywords like _fa-circle_
, they will be ignored.
Example :
To enable link for the first column, Specify link URL in options tab.
First row link can have token _row_name_
. Any other tokens will be ignored. If your row name tends to any font awesome icons or images, they will be ignored in the link's _row_name
Example :
will be replaced as
if the first column name is app_0
Refer issue #85 for more details
If your output have more rows and if you require to hide certain rows based on their output value, you can use the filter option to hide those rows. Series will be hidden if any one of the condition match.
You can use the boom table as multi stat panel. Refer the details given in issue #40
If your row name / col name / transform metrics contains strings that starts with _fa-
and ends with _
, then they will be replaced with corresponding font awesome icons grafana supported. Example usage given below.
-> UP ARROW icon in default color
-> UP ARROW icon in green color
-> DOWN ARROW icon in red color repeated 5 times
-> APPLE icon in default color repeated 5 times
-> 3 RED Square icons and then 7 gray square icons ( only from version 1.3.0, fill icons considered )
-> 8 RED Square icons and then 2 gray square icons ( only from version 1.3.0, math expressions are considered )
-> 3 RED Square icons and then 7 gray square icons ( only from version 1.3.0, math expressions are considered )
In summary, the format of the font awesome token should be in the following format
- this token should be surrounded by one or more empty spaces.
- this should start with
and ends with_
- should be comma separated
- index 0 is fa-iconname where iconname can be any valid font awesome icon
- index 1 should be color of the icon. If empty default text color / threshold text color will be considered
- index 2 should be repeat count ( can be simple one level math expression )
- index 3 should be empty repeat color. If empty default text color / threshold text color will be considered
- index 4 should be max repeat count ( can be simple one level math expression )
- index 2 and 4 can have valid math expression like below
- 15 ---- valid
- 23+12 ---- valid and will yield 35
- 24-10 ---- valid and will yield 14
- 2.4*10 ---- valid and will yield 24
- 15/3 ---- valid and will yield 5
- 29/4 ---- valid and will yield 7
- 97/10 ---- valid and will yield 10
- 23max12 ---- valid and will yield 23
- 23min12 ---- valid and will yield 12
- 3.36max2 ---- valid and will yield 3
Example implementations of icons in metrics: (Unlimited possibilities like heat map)
- Battery level indicator
- Thresholds :
- Transform Values :
_fa-battery-empty,red_ _value_|_fa-battery-quarter,yellow_ _value_|_fa-battery-full,green_ _value_
- Thresholds :
- Bar chart indicator
- Thresholds :
- Transform Values :
_fa-square,green,1_ _fa-square,gray,9_|_fa-square,green,2_ _fa-square,gray,8_|_fa-square,green,3_ _fa-square,gray,7_|_fa-square,green,4_ _fa-square,gray,6_|_fa-square,yellow,5_ _fa-square,gray,5_|_fa-square,yellow,6_ _fa-square,gray,4_|_fa-square,yellow,7_ _fa-square,gray,3_|_fa-square,red,8_ _fa-square,gray,2_|_fa-square,red,9_ _fa-square,gray,1_|_fa-square,red,10_ _fa-square,gray,0_
- Thresholds :
- Payment Gateway Status Indicator
- Similar threshold setup. (Note : In the example shown in the above picture each series represented by their own patterns.)
- Hide first column and headers
- Heatmap
- Similar threshold setup
- First column and headers are hidden
If your row name / col name / transform metrics contains strings that starts with _img-
and ends with _
, then they will be replaced with images. Example usage given below.
-> happy.gif with 20px width, 20px height
-> happy.gif with 30px width, 20px height
-> happy.gif with 30px width, 40px height
-> happy.gif with 30px width, 40px height repeated 3 times
Note : When using images from other domains, please take care of CORS policy, legal and copyright polices.
Text alignment for first column
-> This option specify the text alignment of first column cells in the table. Can be left
or center
. Default is left.
Text alignment for table header
-> This option specify the text alignment of table headers excluding first column. Can be left
or center
. Default is left.
Text alignment for values
-> This option specify the text alignment of value cells in the table. Can be left
or center
. Default is left.
Non matching cells text
-> If no series matches for the given row and col match, the corresponding text can be specified using this option. This option can also contain font awesome and image replacement tokens.
Non matching cells BG Color
-> If no series matches for the given row and col match, the corresponding bg color can be specified using this option
Non matching cells Text Color
-> If no series matches for the given row and col match, the corresponding text color can be specified using this option
Font Size
-> Specify font size to be used in the table. Leave blank for default. size can be specified in css units such as 1.4rem
, 16px
There are multiple ways to install this plugin into your grafana instance
Download the latest zip file from github and extract into your grafana plugin folder. Then restart Grafana.
If you are using grafana-cli, execute the following command to install the plugin
grafana-cli plugins install yesoreyeram-boomtable-panel
grafana-cli --pluginUrl <ZIP_FILE_URL> plugins install yesoreyeram-boomtable-panel
grafana-cli --pluginUrl plugins install yesoreyeram-boomtable-panel
If you use helm chart to provision grafana, use the following config to install the plugin
- yesoreyeram-boomtable-panel
or if you need specific version, then use the following
- <ZIP_FILE_URL>;yesoreyeram-boomtable-panel