This was just an experiment which will not be continued! I was interested in building a small app with NativeScript, which is some kind of TypeScript that comes with an own transpiler and a special xml based templating language, which can then be used to build native Android and iOS apps.
The app is a simple remote control with support for basic features of the ProCon.IP, which is a low budget fully automated web-based swimming pool control unit. The features offered by the app are:
- electrode measurements (redox and pH) as gauge view
- canister level as gauge view
- temperatures in a simple list view
- switching relays (there is a bug, when the external relays / relay extension is active
There is no download yet. I have not published the app, because of the really small target group and the relatively high costs for publishing apps on the respectively device native app marketplace. To be honest: The most expensive factor would be a release for Apple devices. But I am using iOS/iPadOS devices and so it would not make too much sense for me to release and maintain an app, that I am not even using myself...
I made a demo video showing the app in a real world example. It might be the best way to get an impression of it.
As the project ended in the decision that I am not willing to pay to build an easy to update mobile device native app, I started my next project: An ioBroker adapter based on the core code, that abstracts the APIs of the pool controller. This more general approach is available and distributable for free and can be used to build custom mobile device compatible web apps and to integrate with further smart home stuff, such as voice assistants.
Want to read more about this follow up project(s)?
- See for an ioBroker (home automation) adapter
- and for the library code.
See: LICENSE file