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Leetcode Study Log with Python Auto created by autoleetcode

Update time: 2024-09-06 13:30:22

Progress: 199 / 3261 problems (Easy: 64, Medium: 94, Hard: 41)

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Question # Finished Date Title Submission Difficulty
2763 2024-09-06 Sum of Imbalance Numbers of All Subarrays Python Hard
1872 2024-09-06 Stone Game VIII Python Hard
2029 2024-09-06 Stone Game IX Python Medium
2326 2024-09-06 Spiral Matrix IV Python Medium
885 2024-09-06 Spiral Matrix III Python Medium
59 2024-09-06 Spiral Matrix II Python Medium
54 2024-09-06 Spiral Matrix Python Medium
1582 2024-09-06 Special Positions in a Binary Matrix Python Easy
73 2024-09-06 Set Matrix Zeroes Python Medium
48 2024-09-06 Rotate Image Python Medium
2423 2024-09-06 Remove Letter To Equalize Frequency Python Easy
1694 2024-09-06 Reformat Phone Number Python Easy
1324 2024-09-06 Print Words Vertically Python Medium
2379 2024-09-06 Minimum Recolors to Get K Consecutive Black Blocks Python Easy
3085 2024-09-06 Minimum Deletions to Make String K-Special Python Medium
2931 2024-09-06 Maximum Spending After Buying Items Python Hard
2071 2024-09-06 Maximum Number of Tasks You Can Assign Python Hard
2472 2024-09-06 Maximum Number of Non-overlapping Palindrome Substrings Python Hard
289 2024-09-06 Game of Life Python Medium
1838 2024-09-06 Frequency of the Most Frequent Element Python Medium
733 2024-09-06 Flood Fill Python Easy
1955 2024-09-06 Count Number of Special Subsequences Python Hard
542 2024-09-06 01 Matrix Python Medium
713 2024-09-05 Subarray Product Less Than K Python Medium
1648 2024-09-05 Sell Diminishing-Valued Colored Balls Python Medium
354 2024-09-05 Russian Doll Envelopes Python Hard
2475 2024-09-05 Number of Unequal Triplets in Array Python Easy
673 2024-09-05 Number of Longest Increasing Subsequence Python Medium
2367 2024-09-05 Number of Arithmetic Triplets Python Easy
1040 2024-09-05 Moving Stones Until Consecutive II Python Medium
2749 2024-09-05 Minimum Operations to Make the Integer Zero Python Medium
2059 2024-09-05 Minimum Operations to Convert Number Python Medium
1611 2024-09-05 Minimum One Bit Operations to Make Integers Zero Python Hard
2708 2024-09-05 Maximum Strength of a Group Python Medium
3077 2024-09-05 Maximum Strength of K Disjoint Subarrays Python Hard
646 2024-09-05 Maximum Length of Pair Chain Python Medium
2024 2024-09-05 Maximize the Confusion of an Exam Python Medium
2407 2024-09-05 Longest Increasing Subsequence II Python Hard
300 2024-09-05 Longest Increasing Subsequence Python Medium
674 2024-09-05 Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence Python Easy
1869 2024-09-05 Longer Contiguous Segments of Ones than Zeros Python Easy
2121 2024-09-05 Intervals Between Identical Elements Python Medium
334 2024-09-05 Increasing Triplet Subsequence Python Medium
724 2024-09-05 Find Pivot Index Python Easy
2491 2024-09-05 Divide Players Into Teams of Equal Skill Python Medium
1925 2024-09-05 Count Square Sum Triples Python Easy
1995 2024-09-05 Count Special Quadruplets Python Easy
1759 2024-09-05 Count Number of Homogenous Substrings Python Medium
2552 2024-09-05 Count Increasing Quadruplets Python Hard
2179 2024-09-05 Count Good Triplets in an Array Python Hard
1534 2024-09-05 Count Good Triplets Python Easy
2772 2024-09-05 Apply Operations to Make All Array Elements Equal to Zero Python Medium
2786 2024-09-04 Visit Array Positions to Maximize Score Python Medium
36 2024-09-04 Valid Sudoku Python Medium
782 2024-09-04 Transform to Chessboard Python Hard
560 2024-09-04 Subarray Sum Equals K Python Medium
1690 2024-09-04 Stone Game VII Python Medium
1686 2024-09-04 Stone Game VI Python Medium
1563 2024-09-04 Stone Game V Python Hard
1510 2024-09-04 Stone Game IV Python Hard
1406 2024-09-04 Stone Game III Python Hard
1140 2024-09-04 Stone Game II Python Medium
877 2024-09-04 Stone Game Python Medium
2091 2024-09-04 Removing Minimum and Maximum From Array Python Medium
2171 2024-09-04 Removing Minimum Number of Magic Beans Python Medium
283 2024-09-04 Move Zeroes Python Easy
1658 2024-09-04 Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero Python Medium
2170 2024-09-04 Minimum Operations to Make the Array Alternating Python Medium
2033 2024-09-04 Minimum Operations to Make a Uni-Value Grid Python Medium
2009 2024-09-04 Minimum Number of Operations to Make Array Continuous Python Hard
1888 2024-09-04 Minimum Number of Flips to Make the Binary String Alternating Python Medium
462 2024-09-04 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements II Python Medium
453 2024-09-04 Minimum Moves to Equal Array Elements Python Medium
1335 2024-09-04 Minimum Difficulty of a Job Schedule Python Hard
1647 2024-09-04 Minimum Deletions to Make Character Frequencies Unique Python Medium
2216 2024-09-04 Minimum Deletions to Make Array Beautiful Python Medium
1770 2024-09-04 Maximum Score from Performing Multiplication Operations Python Hard
2141 2024-09-04 Maximum Running Time of N Computers Python Hard
1423 2024-09-04 Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards Python Medium
1004 2024-09-04 Max Consecutive Ones III Python Medium
485 2024-09-04 Max Consecutive Ones Python Easy
1572 2024-09-04 Matrix Diagonal Sum Python Easy
424 2024-09-04 Longest Repeating Character Replacement Python Medium
2661 2024-09-04 First Completely Painted Row or Column Python Medium
2482 2024-09-04 Difference Between Ones and Zeros in Row and Column Python Medium
523 2024-09-04 Continuous Subarray Sum Python Medium
1446 2024-09-04 Consecutive Characters Python Easy
2319 2024-09-04 Check if Matrix Is X-Matrix Python Easy
2133 2024-09-04 Check if Every Row and Column Contains All Numbers Python Easy
2460 2024-09-04 Apply Operations to an Array Python Easy
125 2024-08-16 Valid Palindrome Python Easy
653 2024-08-16 Two Sum IV - Input is a BST Python Easy
167 2024-08-16 Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted Python Medium
76 2024-08-16 Minimum Window Substring Python Hard
209 2024-08-16 Minimum Size Subarray Sum Python Medium
718 2024-08-16 Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray Python Medium
392 2024-08-16 Is Subsequence Python Easy
68 2024-08-07 Text Justification Python Hard
151 2024-08-07 Reverse Words in a String Python Medium
58 2024-08-07 Length of Last Word Python Easy
140 2024-07-31 Word Break II Python Hard
407 2024-07-31 Trapping Rain Water II Python Hard
42 2024-07-31 Trapping Rain Water Python Hard
2880 2024-07-31 Select Data Python Easy
189 2024-07-31 Rotate Array Python Medium
2889 2024-07-31 Reshape Data: Pivot Python Easy
2890 2024-07-31 Reshape Data: Melt Python Easy
2888 2024-07-31 Reshape Data: Concatenate Python Easy
2885 2024-07-31 Rename Columns Python Easy
1171 2024-07-31 Remove Zero Sum Consecutive Nodes from Linked List Python Medium
80 2024-07-31 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II Python Medium
238 2024-07-31 Product of Array Except Self Python Medium
31 2024-07-31 Next Permutation Python Medium
2884 2024-07-31 Modify Columns Python Easy
2891 2024-07-31 Method Chaining Python Easy
88 2024-07-31 Merge Sorted Array Python Easy
2770 2024-07-31 Maximum Number of Jumps to Reach the Last Index Python Medium
169 2024-07-31 Majority Element Python Easy
1871 2024-07-31 Jump Game VII Python Medium
1345 2024-07-31 Jump Game IV Python Hard
1306 2024-07-31 Jump Game III Python Medium
45 2024-07-31 Jump Game II Python Medium
55 2024-07-31 Jump Game Python Medium
380 2024-07-31 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) Python Medium
274 2024-07-31 H-Index Python Medium
2878 2024-07-31 Get the Size of a DataFrame Python Easy
134 2024-07-31 Gas Station Python Medium
2485 2024-07-31 Find the Pivot Integer Python Easy
2887 2024-07-31 Fill Missing Data Python Easy
2883 2024-07-31 Drop Missing Data Python Easy
2882 2024-07-31 Drop Duplicate Rows Python Easy
2879 2024-07-31 Display the First Three Rows Python Easy
791 2024-07-31 Custom Sort String Python Medium
2881 2024-07-31 Create a New Column Python Easy
2877 2024-07-31 Create a DataFrame from List Python Easy
525 2024-07-31 Contiguous Array Python Medium
2886 2024-07-31 Change Data Type Python Easy
135 2024-07-31 Candy Python Hard
930 2024-07-31 Binary Subarrays With Sum Python Medium
188 2024-07-31 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV Python Hard
123 2024-07-31 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III Python Hard
122 2024-07-31 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II Python Medium
121 2024-07-31 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Python Easy
24 2024-07-24 Swap Nodes in Pairs Python Medium
30 2024-07-24 Substring with Concatenation of All Words Python Hard
977 2024-07-24 Squares of a Sorted Array Python Easy
100 2024-07-24 Same Tree Python Easy
2751 2024-07-24 Robot Collisions Python Hard
27 2024-07-24 Remove Element Python Easy
26 2024-07-24 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array Python Easy
1530 2024-07-24 Number of Good Leaf Nodes Pairs Python Medium
726 2024-07-24 Number of Atoms Python Hard
268 2024-07-24 Missing Number Python Easy
1750 2024-07-24 Minimum Length of String After Deleting Similar Ends Python Medium
2540 2024-07-24 Minimum Common Value Python Easy
876 2024-07-24 Middle of the Linked List Python Easy
2864 2024-07-24 Maximum Odd Binary Number Python Easy
1380 2024-07-24 Lucky Numbers in a Matrix Python Easy
32 2024-07-24 Longest Valid Parentheses Python Hard
141 2024-07-24 Linked List Cycle Python Easy
349 2024-07-24 Intersection of Two Arrays Python Easy
2709 2024-07-24 Greatest Common Divisor Traversal Python Hard
22 2024-07-24 Generate Parentheses Python Medium
41 2024-07-24 First Missing Positive Python Hard
997 2024-07-24 Find the Town Judge Python Easy
28 2024-07-24 Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String Python Easy
513 2024-07-24 Find Bottom Left Tree Value Python Medium
2092 2024-07-24 Find All People With Secret Python Hard
1609 2024-07-24 Even Odd Tree Python Medium
543 2024-07-24 Diameter of Binary Tree Python Easy
3005 2024-07-24 Count Elements With Maximum Frequency Python Easy
787 2024-07-24 Cheapest Flights Within K Stops Python Medium
201 2024-07-24 Bitwise AND of Numbers Range Python Medium
948 2024-07-24 Bag of Tokens Python Medium
6 2024-07-17 Zigzag Conversion Python Medium
20 2024-07-17 Valid Parentheses Python Easy
1 2024-07-17 Two Sum Python Easy
37 2024-07-17 Sudoku Solver Python Hard
8 2024-07-17 String to Integer (atoi) Python Medium
13 2024-07-17 Roman to Integer Python Easy
25 2024-07-17 Reverse Nodes in k-Group Python Hard
7 2024-07-17 Reverse Integer Python Medium
19 2024-07-17 Remove Nth Node From End of List Python Medium
10 2024-07-17 Regular Expression Matching Python Hard
9 2024-07-17 Palindrome Number Python Easy
23 2024-07-17 Merge k Sorted Lists Python Hard
21 2024-07-17 Merge Two Sorted Lists Python Easy
4 2024-07-17 Median of Two Sorted Arrays Python Hard
3 2024-07-17 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters Python Medium
5 2024-07-17 Longest Palindromic Substring Python Medium
14 2024-07-17 Longest Common Prefix Python Easy
17 2024-07-17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number Python Medium
12 2024-07-17 Integer to Roman Python Medium
29 2024-07-17 Divide Two Integers Python Medium
11 2024-07-17 Container With Most Water Python Medium
2 2024-07-17 Add Two Numbers Python Medium
18 2024-07-17 4Sum Python Medium
16 2024-07-17 3Sum Closest Python Medium
15 2024-07-17 3Sum Python Medium


Leetcode study log and leetcode auto-generation tool








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