classes and scripts for ground state preparation with reinforcement learning. It requires a running version of OpenAI spinningup libray. Installation instruction can be find in WARNING: the new version of spinningup requires both tensorflow and pytorch. Both are installed along with spinningup, but there can be issues with the tmp directory. An installation of mpi is needed, otherwise spinningup will not compile.
Files library that implement the classes needed for the RL algorithm. models: pSpin: ferromagnetic p-spin ising model SingleSpin: single spin 1/2 in magnetic field TFIM: transverse field Ising model RandomTFIM: TFIM with random couplings SKglass: Sherrington-KIrkpatrick spin glass, a fully-connected Ising model with coupling randomly +/-1 set up and train two neural networks in the actor-critic framework. by default if trains an RL agent on the single spin 1/2 with continuous actions, if no in-line options are give. type python --help to see all possible arguments to pass to the program run a trained version of the network. It needs the directory where the model has been saved. It writes a file with the actions perfomed during several episodes (actions.dat) and a summary file with the average performances (summary.dat) It has the same default options of, plus an extra arguments that sets the number of validation steps. Local optimization can be performed on top of RL actions. tests the policy transferability. It needs a trained network for a system of size N_act, then saves a file summary_rew.dat in the folder corresponding to N_act with the policy tested on a system of size N_rew.