學號 | GitHub 帳號 | 姓名 | |
309554027 |
Eric860730 |
鍾弈言 |
s12345d60@gmail.com |
This class mainly discusses the design and principle of OS, and implements a simple OS on Raspberry Pi 3.
Lab 0: Environment Setup
Prepare the environment for future development
Lab 1: Hello World
Practice bare metal programming by implementing a simple shell.
Lab 2: Booting
Learn one of the methods to load your kernel and user programs.
Lab 3: Allocator
Implement memory allocators.
Lab 4: Exception and Interrupt
Implement excpetion handlers and enable the CPU core's interrupt.
Lab 5: Thread and User Process
Learn how to create threads and how to switch between different threads to achieve multitasking.
Lab 6: Virtual File System
Implement a memory-based file system(tmpfs) to get familiar with the concept of VFS.
Lab 7: File System Meets Hardware
Implement the basic of the FAT32 file system.