A full-featured steganography toolkit.
It's currently a work-in-progress, and it's operation is still subject to change.
To include it in a project, simply use:
import "github.com/zedseven/steg"
Then in code, simply use the steg.Hide()
and steg.Dig()
methods. See the GoDoc manual for documentation.
To build and use the executable (from the project base directory):
go install ./cmd/steg
Hiding data in images:
steg hide -img="<path to host image>" -file="<path to file to hide>" -pattern="<path to unique file>" -out="<path to output file to>"
Extracting data from images:
steg dig -img="<path to host image>" -pattern="<path to unique file (same as used when hiding)>" -out="<path to output file to>"